austinmao / reduxity

React-redux via UniRx + Redux.NET for Unity3D
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Implement CombineReducers #4

Closed jesstelford closed 3 years ago

jesstelford commented 7 years ago

This implements an equivalent to Redux's combineReducers().

It makes heavy use of Reflection to get/set the properties on the state objects without CombineReducers() having to know the types of the state objects beforehand. I understand this could be a performance problem.

I also had to use the as keyword within a reducer to cast from object back to the expected state type for access there. I couldn't figure out a better way to handle that situation as I needed to pass to CombineReducers() a Dictionary<string, X> where X represents the reducer function. Again, without knowing the type of state before hand, and the possibility of having multiple methods passed here, each accepting a different type of state object, meant I couldn't specify X with any stricter typing.

I'm brand new to C#, so any suggestions on improvements are welcome :)

NOTE: The code was heavily inspired by @gblue1223's excellent redux-unity3d