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Price (Component) isn't working any more (coinmarketcap) #20

Open austintgriffith opened 4 years ago

austintgriffith commented 4 years ago

Is there another api we could sign up for or something?

tmlee commented 4 years ago

Co-founder at CoinGecko here, may i suggest considering our public and free API at

We have helped to power many apps in the Ethereum ecosystem. It is quite easy to implement and flexible with support for contract addresses lookup, etc.

Suggest to give it a try! I am here if you have any questions.

Polycarpik commented 4 years ago

@tmlee maybe you can make a pull request to add this?

iamonuwa commented 4 years ago

@Polycarpik I can integrate this immediately.

Byte1122 commented 4 years ago

@tmlee Its indeed very easy. I am using the request module to extract the price. This is so flexible. Using the API of coingecko:

ChristophSiegenthaler commented 4 years ago

What would be the cleaner approach for using coingecko:

  1. using coingecko-api npm package: creates 1 new dependency but potentially enables new features e.g. price charts
  2. just using the API directly without package Thoughts?