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Feature Request: Tracking of visits at restaurants #12

Open spacecodeit opened 3 years ago

spacecodeit commented 3 years ago

Since today there is a registration required when visiting a restaurant. I expect that this will come to the whole country soon. During the last weeks I have noticed that many companies started to offer a registration via many different online services.

In my opinion the only way to get a widely accepted solution without needed a huge number of different apps, would be if such a feature would be implemented in the Stop Corona App.

The solution I thought about would be, if there is an online portal for restaurants and hotels where they can generate QR Codes for e.g. tables, areas, rooms. These QR Codes can be scanned with the Stopp Corona App. A unique ID encoded in the QR Code and the Timestamp is stored locally on the user’s device. In the online portal the business owner gets the possibility to report time periods if there was a Covid positive guest in his restaurant. The Stopp Corona App regularly checks if there is a match with the local stored visits and a reported time period. If that is the case the App user gets notified.