autc04 / Retro68

a gcc-based cross-compiler for classic 68K and PPC Macintoshes
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Includes in .r files don't generate dependencies #253

Open briankendall opened 4 weeks ago

briankendall commented 4 weeks ago

I'm using a .r file (exported using DeRez, though that's probably not important) in my project named resources-exported.r. This is #include'd in another .r file named resources.r. Any time I change resources-exported.r it doesn't trigger a recompilation of resources.r. So I have to manually touch resources.r to get things to build properly.

It's a bit annoying and I can work around it, but it'd be nice if there was a way to define this dependency. I've tried to work out how to change my project's CMakeLists.txt to set this up manually, but I'm a bit of a cmake newbie and I haven't figured it out so far.

briankendall commented 2 weeks ago

I'm getting a bit more competent with CMake now, and I've figured out a way to get all of my resource files being compiled together properly. I figure I'd post it here so that others may benefit from it.

First I create a file named generate_combined_resource_file.cmake and place it in my source directory, with the contents:

file(WRITE ${COMBINED_RESOURCE_FILE} "#include \"Types.r\"\n#include \"SysTypes.r\"\n")

    file(APPEND ${COMBINED_RESOURCE_FILE} "#include \"${FILE}\"\n")

This creates a .r file that includes all of my various other .r files, along with Types.r and SysTypes.r.

Then in CMakeLists.txt, I include the following:

set(COMBINED_RESOURCE_FILE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/resources-combined.r)

                ... (your source files here)

# Variable containing all of my resource files. Update the path to point to where your .r files are!

# Create .r file combining together all resource files:
            -P ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/generate_combined_resource_file.cmake
    COMMENT "Generating combined resource file"
add_custom_target(generate_combined_resources ALL DEPENDS ${COMBINED_RESOURCE_FILE})
add_dependencies(YourAppNameHere generate_combined_resources)