auth0-extensions / auth0-extension-realtime-logs

Access real-time webtask logs
MIT License
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Use ExtendEditorLogsComponent instead of webtaskWidget #11

Closed fyockm closed 6 years ago

fyockm commented 6 years ago

✏️ Changes

Use ExtendEditorLogsComponent instead of webtaskWidget. WebtaskWidget has long been deprecated. Extend Editor is the way of the future!

πŸ“· Screenshots





πŸ”— References

Zendesk -

🎯 Testing

βœ… This has been tested locally βœ… This has been tested in a webtask βœ…This change has unit test coverage βœ…This change has been acceptance tested βœ…This change has been manually smoke tested

πŸš€ Deployment

🚫 This change can support multiple releases of the code serving traffic at the same time βœ… This can be deployed any time because it has no prerequisites.

🎑 Rollout

βœ… The change will be available to the complete environment at once 🚫 The change is behind a feature flag and will go through a percentage based rollout process 🚫 The change is behind a flag and customers will opt-in to the change

In order to verify that the deployment was successful we will update the extensions via a test tenant and perform smoke tests to ensure proper execution.

πŸ”₯ Rollback

We will rollback if:

πŸ“„ Procedure

A code revert+redeploy can be done to revert the change.

πŸ–₯ Appliance

βœ… This change is compatible with the appliance.

fyockm commented 6 years ago

@shawnmclean could you review and merge when you get a chance?