auth0-lab / auth0-unity

An experimental Auth0 SDK for Unity platform.
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Trying to use PasswordlessEmail flow doesn't work #12

Open gabrielvillage opened 1 year ago

gabrielvillage commented 1 year ago

Hello! I'm trying to implement Auth0 on my Unity project and when calling the StartPasswordlessEmailFlowAsync I get the following error: Error Unity Auth0.Core.Exceptions.ApiError : {"error":"bad.connection","error_description":"Missing required property: connection"} I don't know how to fix it as the PasswordlessEmailRequest doesn't have a Connection parameter and digging into the StartPasswordlessEmailFlowAsync method it shows it sets the connection type to "email".

Here's the code I'm using:

        var request = new PasswordlessEmailRequest()
            ClientId = clientId,
            ClientSecret = authManager.Settings.ClientSecret,
            Email = emailField.text,
            Type = PasswordlessEmailRequestType.Link,

        PasswordlessEmailResponse response = null;
        ErrorApiException apiError = null;


            response = await authManager.Auth0.StartPasswordlessEmailFlowAsync(request);
        catch (ErrorApiException ex)
            apiError = ex;

        if (apiError != null)
            Debug.LogError(apiError.ApiError + " : " + apiError.Message);
        Debug.Log($"{response.Email} : {response.EmailVerified} : {response.Id}");
frederikprijck commented 1 year ago

đź‘‹ I just tried the following using the underlying SDK, and it works fine for me:

var request = new PasswordlessEmailRequest
    ClientId = GetVariable("AUTH0_CLIENT_ID"),
    ClientSecret = GetVariable("AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET"),
    Email = GetVariable("AUTH0_PASSWORDLESSDEMO_EMAIL"),
    Type = PasswordlessEmailRequestType.Link

var response = await authenticationApiClient.StartPasswordlessEmailFlowAsync(request);

So the underlying SDK seem to behave fine. Can you call the endpoint using CURL, does it return the same response?

curl --request POST \
  --url 'https://{yourDomain}/passwordless/start' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{"client_id":"{yourClientId}", "client_secret":"{yourClientSecret}", "connection":"email", "email":"USER_EMAIL", "send":"link"}'

If it does, can you verify if your Auth0 tenant is configured correctly?

gabrielvillage commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the response. The CURL call does work. What should be the correct Auth0 tenant setup?

frederikprijck commented 1 year ago

If the curl works, the tenant is set up correctly. I will look into something else and get back to you. Im wondering if the version of, used in the unity SDK, might be related.

frederikprijck commented 1 year ago

I can't seem to reproduce this using Auth0.NET 7.15.0 neither, which should be the version used by the Unity SDK.

Any chance you can test it using straight up Auth0.NET yourself to help identify where the origin of the issue could be?

nawangwe commented 6 months ago

Come on guys you have the opportunity to be the sole auth provider for Unity VR and you abandon this?