auth0 / auth0-flutter

Auth0 SDK for Flutter
Apache License 2.0
57 stars 37 forks source link

MacOS implementation #323

Closed SergeShkurko closed 9 months ago

SergeShkurko commented 9 months ago


Describe the problem you'd like to have solved

App crushed when i run it on macOS

Describe the ideal solution

Auth0 cocoapods package supports macOS platform. Will need only expose it availability

Alternatives and current workarounds

No response

Additional context

I made simple implementation. But i did't reuse code. I did copy some ios code to macos folder and made small fixes for availability to work

in next time will need compose ios / macos in one folder & will use conditions in swift / objc like this:

#if os(iOS)
import Flutter
import UIKit
#elseif os(macOS)
import Cocoa
import FlutterMacOS
import CoreGraphics


# set `platform :osx, '11.0'` here `macos/Podfile`

# setup build target version to `11.0` anywhere in projec. Will need:
# edit `xcode->Project Runner->Build Settings-> MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET==11.0`
# then `xcode->Targets Runner->Build Settings-> MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET==11.0`

# add to pubspec.yaml
      ref: feature/macos_support
      path: auth0_flutter
Widcket commented 9 months ago

Hi @SergeShkurko, thanks for raising this.

We already have an open feature request for this: #173, so I'll go ahead and close this one.