auth0 / auth0-python

Auth0 SDK for Python
MIT License
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Async All the Way #621

Open padrepitufo opened 2 months ago

padrepitufo commented 2 months ago


I am probably using this wrong and need guidance.

I want to use auth0-python asynchronously. My set up is close to this tutorial. I noticed it depends on PyJWT and I realized the library blocks. I have made an accompanying PR (that this PR points to) but I doubt I'm the first one to use this - I'm probably just using it wrong.

Main change in usage would be (using the tutorial example as my sample):

    signing_key = self.jwks_client.get_signing_key_from_jwt(  # šŸ‘ˆ this lines changes
except jwt.exceptions.PyJWKClientError as error:
    raise UnauthorizedException(str(error))
except jwt.exceptions.DecodeError as error:
    raise UnauthorizedException(str(error))


    payload  = await self.jwks_client.get_signing_key_from_jwt(  # šŸ‘ˆ this lines changes
    signing_key = payload.key
except jwt.exceptions.PyJWKClientError as error:
    raise UnauthorizedException(str(error))
except jwt.exceptions.DecodeError as error:
    raise UnauthorizedException(str(error))


... None


Please describe how this can be tested by reviewers. Be specific about anything not tested and reasons why. If this library has unit and/or integration testing, tests should be added for new functionality and existing tests should complete without errors.


padrepitufo commented 1 month ago

Any guidance that @evansims @jpadilla @adamjmcgrath could lend would be much appreciated