The Brute Force Protection error message is being changed to remove language related to email usage. This PR modifies a test which uses that language.
Please include relevant links supporting this change such as a:
support ticket
community post
StackOverflow post
support forum thread
Please describe how this can be tested by reviewers. Be specific about anything not tested and reasons why. If this library has unit and/or integration testing, tests should be added for new functionality and existing tests should complete without errors.
[ ] This change adds unit test coverage
[ ] This change adds integration test coverage
[ ] This change has been tested on the latest version of the platform/language or why not
The Brute Force Protection error message is being changed to remove language related to email usage. This PR modifies a test which uses that language.
Please include relevant links supporting this change such as a:
Please describe how this can be tested by reviewers. Be specific about anything not tested and reasons why. If this library has unit and/or integration testing, tests should be added for new functionality and existing tests should complete without errors.
[ ] This change adds unit test coverage
[ ] This change adds integration test coverage
[ ] This change has been tested on the latest version of the platform/language or why not
[x] I have read the Auth0 general contribution guidelines
[x] I have read the Auth0 Code of Conduct
[ ] All existing and new tests complete without errors