auth0 / lock-passwordless

Auth0 Lock Passwordless [DEPRECATED]
MIT License
90 stars 29 forks source link

use latest react version #125

Closed gerbenmeyer closed 6 years ago

gerbenmeyer commented 7 years ago

The react version used was very outdated, so I updated it.

arnihermann commented 7 years ago

This is a blocker for me.

@gnandretta do you think it's possible to get a release out with updated dependencies soon?

jeffgorder commented 7 years ago

It would be great to get this released.

XaserAcheron commented 6 years ago

Though I know work's being done on moving passwordless to Lock itself, the React version difference is the source of some trickiness in the Ember addon. It would make life a ton easier to get this merged in.

If this needs additional testing before merge, I'll be happy to help.

[Hope I'm not abusing the privilege, but I'll ping @aaguiarz since he's been active and lending a hand as of late.]

luisrudge commented 6 years ago

Hi @XaserAcheron, we're actually merging Passwordless and Lock in a single project. You can follow the progress here. There'll be no active development on this project anymore. We'll fix security issues only for the near future.

XaserAcheron commented 6 years ago

That's dismaying -- this is a minor maintenance update on Passwordless's side that is effectively blocking a release for a project that depends on it. What do you suggest we do in the meantime?

[EDIT] For the record, I'm much less dismayed after letting the thoughts settle a bit. There's always alternatives.

luisrudge commented 6 years ago

if you use yarn, you can pin the dependencies you want using the resolutions property. Sadly, it's not a minor update, since there were a lot of react upgrades between 0.14.0 and 15.4.2. We just can't justify investing more time debugging and make sure this works everywhere, since we're already putting a lot of effort in merging both Lock and Passwordless. I'm sorry you're being put through this. I promise you the new Lock+Passwordless will be amazing. If you want to use the new version (knowing we don't have proper support for it yet), please try npm install auth0/lock#feature-add-pwdless. The draft of the migration guide is located here:

The feature itself is finished. We had to put it on hold for now because we're releasing major versions of both auth0-js and lock and we don't want to conflate both releases.

Again, I'm sorry you're stuck in this "limbo" phase while we are putting things in order. Let me know if I can help you in any other way.

XaserAcheron commented 6 years ago

It's all good -- apologies for being a bit grumpy earlier.

Knowing that the feature is in finished draft stage actually helps a ton -- that gives me enough confidence to start trying it out. It seems more prudent to work on supporting the new API in the Ember addon rather than try and resolve the dependency differences, which I think works out best for everyone.

Hooray for progress!