auth0 / lock-passwordless

Auth0 Lock Passwordless [DEPRECATED]
MIT License
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parseHash(): "Cannot read property 'length' of undefined" if only access_token is returned #130

Open dinvlad opened 7 years ago

dinvlad commented 7 years ago

Hi all,

When I set the audience in authParams for an API, Passwordless Lock works correctly by returning the hash with a full JWT access_token. This now takes place of the previously opaque access_token and a JWT id_token.

However, when I use parseHash() to parse the response, it reports Cannot read property 'length' of undefined because it's apparently still trying to parse id_token (which is now absent).

This could be related to Would it be possible to patch Passwordless Lock to fix this error? Otherwise, we have to decodeURIComponent directly for the time being (I'm using socialOrEmailcode so I have to parse hash manually instead of returning them to a callback). EDIT: we can also include auth0.min.js and use parseHash() from there (though that's still extra work).


stephenhuh commented 6 years ago

I'm having the same error but with socialOrSms, and soon (since I'm implementing both) probably socailOrEmailcode

luisrudge commented 6 years ago

Can you send a PR with this fix?