auth0 / node-jsonwebtoken

JsonWebToken implementation for node.js
MIT License
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What is default behaviour if expiresIn option not set when signing? #795

Open GeekEast opened 3 years ago

GeekEast commented 3 years ago


Currently, client can get a client via jwt signing withouth passing a expiresIn attribute. For example,

import jwt from "jsonwebtoken"

const secret = jwt.sign({ a: "a" }, "secret")


So what's the default expiring date of the generated token? like after 24 hours, or it never expires?


AlexRex commented 3 years ago

I've been testing this, as I needed to know it as well.

Using the decoder at and looks like if we ignore the expiresIn key it is not including the exp key in the token. So, I guess, meaning that the token won't expire.

leandroruel commented 2 years ago

weird for me verify function literally does nothing, i've inserted a token without aud, sub and exp and he is not validating this, this is driving me crazy, WHY!?

AsadShakeel commented 1 year ago

Any update here? What will happen if we did not set the expiresIn?

alex-chuev commented 1 year ago

According to the spec (, exp is an optional claim. So, if it's not defined, token is expired never.