auth0 / terraform-provider-auth0

The Auth0 Terraform Provider is the official plugin for managing Auth0 tenant configuration through the Terraform tool.
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Dependency error between auth0_role_permissions and auth0_resource_server_scopes #938

Open Nargonath opened 3 months ago

Nargonath commented 3 months ago



We manage resource servers and roles through Terraform. We added a new permission to a resource server and granted that permission on an existing role through a auth0_role_permissions resource block. We got an error from Terraform when applying:

Error: 404 Not Found: This permission does not exist:

We ran the apply a second time and it worked. This tells us that there was some dependencies problem at play. Terraform probably tried to add the permission to the role before it was created on the resource server.

We don't use the latest version of Auth0 provider but I read the changelog and nothing seems to relate to this problem.


The block auth0_role_permissions has a ref to the resource server in the permissions block. I'd expect it to tell Terraform that there is a dependency between the auth0_role_permissions and the auth0_resource_server resources. The changes for the resource server should be applied before the auth0_role_permissions changes.

We plan on fixing the problem with a depends_on property on the auth0_role_permissions but I thought it shouldn't be needed (perhaps I'm wrong).


  1. Create a auth0_resource_server.
  2. Assign a permission to the resource server through a auth0_resource_server_scopes block.
  3. Create an auth0_role.
  4. Assign the permission to the role through a auth0_role_permissions block.

I haven't wrote a repro but this above might actually recreate the issue if all of these steps are performed in the same terraform apply. If not, we can then proceed to:

  1. Add a new permission to the resource server.
  2. Assign it to the role.
  3. Apply these changes in the same terraform apply.

Auth0 Terraform Provider version


Terraform version


jvanecek commented 2 months ago

Any update on this bug? We got the same one using Terraform v1.6.4 + Provider version 1.2.0.

developerkunal commented 1 month ago

Hi @jvanecek,

I hope you're having a wonderful day!

Firstly, I want to apologize for the delay in my response. I understand that timely assistance is crucial, especially when you're facing challenges. Rest assured, I'm here now, and I'm committed to providing you with the support you need.

To better assist you, could you please provide an example of the resource configuration that's causing the error? Understanding the specific context will enable me to offer more targeted guidance.

In the meantime, I've prepared an example for utilizing auth0_role_permissions without explicitly relying on depends_on, as per your preference. This example should help illustrate the approach we discussed earlier.

resource "auth0_resource_server" "resource_server" {
  name       = "test"
  identifier = ""

resource "auth0_resource_server_scopes" "resource_server_scopes" {
  resource_server_identifier = auth0_resource_server.resource_server.identifier

  scopes {
    name = "store:create"
  scopes {
    name = "store:read"
  scopes {
    name = "store:update"
  scopes {
    name = "store:delete"

resource "auth0_role" "my_role" {
  name = "My Role"

resource "auth0_role_permissions" "my_role_perms" {
  role_id =

  dynamic "permissions" {
    for_each = auth0_resource_server_scopes.resource_server_scopes.scopes
    content {
      name                       =
      resource_server_identifier = auth0_resource_server.resource_server.identifier

If you encounter any further questions or issues along the way, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to help in any way I can.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Nargonath commented 1 month ago

Thanks @developerkunal for the example with the dynamic block. However how would go about it if you didn't need to have the whole set of scopes from the resource server assigned to your role?

developerkunal commented 1 month ago

Hi @Nargonath,

Could you provide an example of that use case so I can better understand and assist you?

Thank you.

developerkunal commented 1 month ago

Hi @Nargonath,

I'm not entirely certain if this aligns with your requirements, but here's another approach for selectively assigning scopes:

resource "auth0_role_permissions" "my_role_perms" {
    role_id =

    permissions {
        name                       = tolist(auth0_resource_server_scopes.resource_server_scopes.scopes)[0].name  # Assuming you want to assign the first scope
        resource_server_identifier = auth0_resource_server.resource_server.identifier

    permissions {
        name                       = tolist(auth0_resource_server_scopes.resource_server_scopes.scopes)[1].name  # Assuming you want to assign the second scope
        resource_server_identifier = auth0_resource_server.resource_server.identifier

    # Add more permissions as needed

Feel free to let me know if you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with.

Thank you!

Nargonath commented 1 month ago

@developerkunal Thanks for the other suggestion.

I didn't write a full repro but I gave instructions in the OP, if that could be helpful.

One thing I don't understand though, how come we can have Terraform trying to apply permissions that are not yet created when in the auth0_role_permissions block, under the permissions property we have a dynamic link to the resource server through the resource_server_identifier property? Wouldn't it be enough for Terraform to determine whether the permission is already available or not?