auth0 / terraform-provider-auth0

The Auth0 Terraform Provider is the official plugin for managing Auth0 tenant configuration through the Terraform tool.
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auth0_client datasource breaks terraform dependency graph after migrating to v1.0 of auth0 provider #978

Open a-meynard opened 1 week ago

a-meynard commented 1 week ago



Context & Problem

Whe migrating from auth0 provider v0.x to v1.0 I applied the migration guide and had to do the following step: Reading Client Secret. Forcing me to implement a datasource on a resource created by the same Terraform stack (stack = root module to me) because later in the stack, I configure other resource with the client_secret (notably a secret passed to the application later).

The problem is that whenever I change something on the auth0_client resource (could simply be the description of the auth0_client), then terraform also need to update resources that depends on the auth0_client datasource. I do think this is because using resource and datasource pointing to the same API resource break terraform ability to create its resource dependency graph.

see reproduction for code example of the above description.

Potential workaround / fix

While digging documentation I found the auth0_client_credentials resource. Could it be the solution to implement a proper resource dependency in terraform ? resources that use client_secret won't depends on a datasource but on the resource instead.

I'm wondering if the client_credentials resource create additional credentials or if it could return the main credentials for the auth0_client resource ? Maybe having an auth0_client_credentials datasource to get client_secret of an existing auth0_client could be a solution.

Other informations

I have found this community post: but nothing more.

I also think this is what was described in this issue: #897. However the author did not reply so I understand it was closed. My goal here is to:


Changes on auth0_client resource not impacting credentials (client_id and client_secret) should not impact resource that depends on client_secret output of the auth0_client datasource



resource "auth0_client" "this" {

data "auth0_client" "dashboard" {
  client_id = auth0_client.this.client_id

resource "aws_secretsmanager_secret_version" "this" {
  secret_id     = "mysecret"
  secret_string = jsonencode(
    client_id     = data.auth0_client.this.client_id
    client_secret = data.auth0_client.this.client_secret

Problem with this code

When I change something on the auth0_client, even if not related with client_secret / client_id at all, terraform will need to re-read the auth0_client datasource making the secret_version obsolete and making terraform wanting to recreate it (because changing secret_string forces new resource). This is an example with AWS SecretsManager but it work with any resource as the problem here is that Terraform graph will cascade the datasource re-read.

Auth0 Terraform Provider version


Terraform version


a-meynard commented 1 week ago

I have found those two PR:

The first one actually remove the client_secret from auth0_client resource and point a second change (removal of token_endpoint_auth_method) into this part of the migration_guide, making me think that using auth0_client_credentials is the correct fix.

However, the second one makes it explicit (to me) that I won't be able to retrieve client_secret from auth0_client_credentials resource. This makes me think that I do not understand the usecase for this resource. Should we generate client_secret ourself ? Shouldn't this be handled by the auth0 provider ? If not, could we add some example of how to generate a proper client_secret in the documentation ?