authzed / examples

A collection of examples for SpiceDB users
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Unable to run examples #20

Open gmtek opened 2 months ago

gmtek commented 2 months ago

I am trying to run SpiceDB in my local. After docker compose -f datastor/postgres.yml up when I am trying to connect using zed, getting error. It seems like zed is forcing TLS. Also there is nothing in http://localhost:8080. Is there any other configuration that SpiceDB container is expecting?

docker compose -f datastor/postgres.yml
zed --insecure context set dev '' 'foobar'
zed --insecure schema write

12:40PM FTL failed to write schema error="failed to exit idle mode: invalid target address, error info: address too many colons in address"

The containers are running. Below is output from docker ps

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                          COMMAND                  PORTS  
a9a64714787d   authzed/spicedb:latest-debug   "spicedb serve">8080/tcp,>9090/tcp,>50051/tcp   
c073611766b0   postgres                       "docker-entrypoint.s…">5432/tcp   
TWinsnes commented 2 months ago

If you remove the http:// from the host it should work

And you can add --insecure to the context set command and you don't have to use the --insecure flag anymore after that when using zed

My set context command: zed ctx set dev localhost:50051 TestKey --insecure

gmtek commented 2 months ago

Wow, that works.

Can't access Dashboard at localhost. Is there any specific config needs to be done for the dashboard?

curl -k 'http://localhost:8080/'

curl: (52) Empty reply from server
tstirrat15 commented 2 months ago

@gmtek the dashboard was removed from SpiceDB a while ago - it served a text version of the schema and didn't provide a whole lot of other value.

Where did you see reference to the dashboard? I wanna make sure we're not directing users to access it in our materials.

What's the use case? Is it mostly seeing whether SpiceDB is up? You can turn on the HTTP server if that'd help - you'd be able to hit /healthz with curl and get a 200.