Attempting to run the official Docker image (sha256:6d0bea9c40d8e5837a7c2e907045341d7be13be8101801661e03f558c7c3a878) as described in the README fails with
docker run -it -p 3001:3000
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/arm64/v8) does not match the detected host platform (linux/amd64/v4) and no specific platform was requested
exec ./ exec format error
An image build from the main branch (ref 769c8ec) works, this might just be about publishing a new Docker image.
Attempting to run the official Docker image (sha256:6d0bea9c40d8e5837a7c2e907045341d7be13be8101801661e03f558c7c3a878) as described in the README fails with
An image build from the main branch (ref 769c8ec) works, this might just be about publishing a new Docker image.