authzed / spicedb-operator

Kubernetes controller for managing instances of SpiceDB
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Improve configuration options for tlsSecretName/dispatchUpstreamCASecretName #272

Closed zd9KgA closed 7 months ago

zd9KgA commented 8 months ago

I've configured a CA-type ClusterIssuer with cert-manager to include the ca.crt in the certificate (, see "Note").

This option allows to include the CA certificate as ca.crt into a secret that otherwise resides in a different namespace (cert-manager). The outcome is that generated secrets contain tls.crt, tls.key, and ca.crt.

I'd like to feed this into the tls configuration without additional processing (like copying the ca.crt from the secret and placing it as tls.crt into another one). In the present state I needed to reverse engineer from the PodSpec how the input it expected and then provide it accordingly.

ecordell commented 7 months ago

You can specify the same secret when specifying the secret and the upstream ca:

    tlsSecretName: your-tls-secret
    dispatchUpstreamCASecretName: your-tls-secret

We do this exact thing in the e2e tests. We intentionally match the cert-manager conventions here.

I'll leave this issue open because I think it indicates a deficiency in the docs. Please ping again if the above doesn't work for you.

zd9KgA commented 7 months ago

Hi @ecordell:

This is from a spicedb deployed as suggested (repeated use of the same secret):

│       SPICEDB_DATASTORE_ENGINE:           postgres                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
│       SPICEDB_DATASTORE_TLS_SECRET_NAME:  postgresql-tls                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
│       SPICEDB_DISPATCH_CLUSTER_ENABLED:   true                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
│       SPICEDB_DISPATCH_UPSTREAM_CA_PATH:  /dispatch-tls/tls.crt                                                                                                                                                                                                            

The secret is mounted at /dispatch-tls/, but the CA path refers to tls.crt rather than ca.crt. The certificate in tls.crt is not the root certificate, but derived from an intermediate certificate for ca.crt is the root.

Have I misconfigured / misunderstood something?

ecordell commented 7 months ago

No, you're absolutely right, the tests tricked me because the connection will validate when using the cert directly instead of the CA.

I opened to address this. Thanks for the report!

ecordell commented 7 months ago

273 is merged and in the latest release!