authzed / spicedb-operator

Kubernetes controller for managing instances of SpiceDB
Apache License 2.0
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Ability to grant the spicedb-operator limited Kubernetes permissions #311

Open jgarcia-sqsp opened 1 month ago

jgarcia-sqsp commented 1 month ago


I'm working on setting up the spicedb-operator but don't want to give it more permissions than it truly needs. I would like to withhold some of the kubernetes permissions the operator expects without it affecting its functionality. Ideally, I'd like to grant it only the fewest permissions it needs to provision and manage a spicedb cluster.

Currently, I'd like to not grant it the full ability to create or patch Role and RoleBinding resources within a cluster/namespace. However, if I try do that the operator logs a lot of warnings and it fails to provision spicedb clusters. I believe this is configured in the ensureRoleBinding function. Logs I'm seeing:

msg="requeueing after api error" err="context canceled" syncID="H2LCy" controller="spicedbclusters" obj={"name":"spicedbcluster","namespace":"namespace"}

msg="requeueing after error" err=" "spicedbcluster" is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:spicedb-operator:spicedb-operator" cannot patch resource "rolebindings" in API group "" in the namespace "namespace"" syncID="j8aUD" controller="spicedbclusters" obj={"name":"spicedbcluster","namespace":"namespace"}

Problematic permissions that the operator currently requires:


Permissions to read/write any secret in a cluster/namespace.

- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: [secrets]
  verbs: [create, delete, get, list, patch, update, watch]

Permissions to create and/or update roles and roleBindings. Would allow the operator to change the roles granted to it.

- apiGroups: []
  resources: [roles]
  verbs: [create, delete, get, list, patch, update, watch]
- apiGroups: []
  resources: [roleBindings]
  verbs: [create, delete, get, list, patch, update, watch]

Suggested workaround/solution

Briefly discussed this issue with ecordell and the following was suggested:

ecordell commented 2 days ago

Some related discussion here too: