Open kprav33n opened 11 years ago
I'm also seeing this; it occurs even when linum-mode and whitespace-mode are turned off.
I am also seeing this issue. If I do not use linum mode then popup rendering executes correctly.
@kprav33n @nickpascucci @brandonw I confirmed whitespace-mode
But I don't understand linum-mode
Please show us minimum configuration for reproducing this issue and tell us how to reproduce this issue. And please upload screenshots about this issue if possible.
I'm not able to reproduce the linum-mode issue with the recent build of emacs and popup.el. Here is the screenshot of the whitespace mode issue.
I found an old version of popup.el shadowing the ELPA version in my load path. With that removed I'm no longer able to reproduce the EOB whitespace problem. I do see some whitespace-mode highlighting around popups like @kprav33n.
@syohex @kprav33n The behavior occurs if I:
emacs -nw -Q
[include auto-complete and popup in load-path]
M-x linum-mode
M-x eval-expression (require 'auto-complete-config)
M-x eval-expression (ac-config-default)
Make sure to run in console mode. GUI Emacs seems to work fine, even with linum mode enabled. It is only in console mode that this occurs:
@brandonw Thanks for the information.
Is this of any use:
When using popup.el with whitespace-mode and linum-mode, unwanted artifacts are seen on the screen due to the fact that popup.el adds empty lines at the end of the buffer to render the popup menu.
Please see:
I think that popup.el is the root cause for all these issues.