auto-complete / popup-el

Visual Popup Interface Library for Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Popup fails to align correctly in Emacs Lisp mode #90

Closed oracleyue closed 9 years ago

oracleyue commented 9 years ago

It works incorrectly in elisp mode. Different lines in the function list (the left dialogue) seem have different length, so do the associated dialogue (the right one) for more details. The problem is illustrated as screen shot 2015-06-08 at 16 33 08 Maybe due to the upgrade of packages one month ago. It showed correctly before. However, it still works well in cc-mode or python-mode, shown as screen shot 2015-06-08 at 16 41 04

One more question: Could we stop the blank in the left dialogue due to the line wrapping in the right dialogue by adding some configurations, as shown in the above figures or the figure below in python mode? (when I use "wrap at window edge" or "word wrap"; appearing in any modes) . screen shot 2015-06-08 at 16 57 45 When I use "truncate long line", it doesn't have this problem, but not satisfactory to be a solution due to the large length of most functions.

screen shot 2015-06-08 at 16 53 06

version: emacs: 24.4.1 ac-complete: 20150408.1132 popup: 20150315.612

syohex commented 9 years ago

One more question: Could we stop the blank in the left dialogue due to the line wrapping in the right dialogue by adding some configurations, as shown in the above figures or the figure below in python mode? (when I use "wrap at window edge" or "word wrap"; appearing in any modes) .

Adjust `ac-max-width as below.

(setq ac-max-width 0.5)
oracleyue commented 9 years ago

@syohex Unfortunately this doesn't work. I guess the problem does come from the width of autocomplete menu. Once I use mouse to sightly stretch the width of emacs window, the blank line due to the line wrap will disappear. However, when I insert and autocomplete again, it reappear. Thus, there is an inappropriate value for the total width of popup menu (the left + the right dialogue).
Do you have this problem? For both the first and second problems I fired, do encounter them in your emacs? Many thanks!

oracleyue commented 9 years ago

@syohex The second problem is due to my configuration. When I use my "clean" type, I don't see such a problem. I will figure out what leads to this trouble. Regarding the first, it is also due to my configuration: I use different "height" of font for "default" and "fixed-pitch" faces, which causes this problem.

Sorry for firing a fake issue. Many thanks for your answer anyway!

oracleyue commented 9 years ago

I finally locate the source of this bug:

the build-in linum 0.9.24 conflicts with auto-complete, which causes the second problem.

This is the second bug caused by linum-mode, beside it causes org-mode to be extremely slow when it contains hundreds of lines (which's still not yet solved in emacs 24.4). Now I have to disable it in sh-,elisp-, python-, and cc-, etc. mode again. sigh...

Could you suggest me where to fire the bug? Should it be considered as a bug in popup.el? (I tend to consider it as a bug in linum.el, but linum.el seems to be an official part of emacs?)

oracleyue commented 9 years ago

Fine, this bug is caused by linum-mode together with

(fringe-mode '(0 . nil))

If without this configuration of fringe-mode, auto-complete works well with linum-mode. That's why I always feel that, with one more letter space, it would work fine.

So nothing wrong related to popup.el. cheers~