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when i input the command 'scons studio ', encounter errors #8

Closed YelaShady closed 6 years ago

YelaShady commented 6 years ago

Hi, parai after i run the console.bat and input the command 'scons studio', i encounter such errors as: build on b'MSYS_NT-6.1', default assume 64 bit machine 'c:/msys64/mingw64/bin/pkg-config' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Exception: no pkg-config installed, fix the path maybe!: so do you have any idea about such error?

parai commented 6 years ago

please follow to install all the necessay dependence, If still not working, you need to check with google why pkg-config is not installed along with gtk.

parai commented 6 years ago

or try install it with command "pacman -S pkg-config"

YelaShady commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot, i have solved this issue.But another issue raised when i run the command "scons studio": The system cannot find the path specified. Exception: FAIL of RunCommand "mklink D:\09-GitHub \as-master\release\download\lwip-contrib\ports\win32\lwipcfg_msvc.h. I set the "posix" to "BOARD".It seems that I lost the files of "lwip-contrip". Because my network is terrible, I can't download all these environment config files by the bat of "Console.bat".So I download there files by searching the software-needed on the internet . I read the file "Console.bat", but I think there are no commands to download these "lwip-contrip" files. So How to get these files?Or do I miss some step?

geekyes commented 6 years ago

在 "win7" 上 "mklink" 需要管理员运行 有道译文:"Mklink" on "win7" requires an administrator to run it

parai commented 6 years ago

check the source code of, I think you failed to download the lwip and lwip-contrib.

If LWIP is not used, I think you can use "scons --menuconfig" to disable LWIP