autodl-community / autodl-rutorrent

ruTorrent plugin for autodl-community fork of autodl-irssi
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autodl-irssi error #19

Closed gekioo closed 8 years ago

gekioo commented 8 years ago

Hello guys, I don't have any experience with linux commands and I hope that someone can help me with this problem. I have a dedicated seedbox and I want to install autodl-irssi community. I opened a ticket and they answered that they don't offer support for that and I should do it by my self through SSH access. I searched for a tutorial and launched putty and started typing the commands from the tutorial. Those are the commands that I used:

mkdir -p ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun ~/.autodl echo -e "[options]\ngui-server-port = 0\ngui-server-password = PASS" > ~/.autodl/autodl.cfg wget -qO ~/ unzip -qo ~/ -d ~/.irssi/scripts/ cp -f ~/.irssi/scripts/ ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun/ cd && rm -f .irssi/scripts/{README*,,}

nano ~/.autodl/autodl.cfg

I chose a port and a password, then I typed those commands:

cd /home/myusername/www/rutorrent/plugins/ wget -qO unzip -qo cp -rf autodl-rutorrent-master/. autodl-irssi rm -rf autodl-rutorrent-master cp -f autodl-irssi/_conf.php autodl-irssi/conf.php nano autodl-irssi/conf.php

And I typed the same port and password in the "conf.php",, Then I continued with these commands

screen -dmS autodl irssi screen -r autodl

And I pressed (ctrl+a) and then pressed "d"

"autodl-irssi" Was installed when I launched rutorrent but I'm getting this error "JS error: [http://**********************************************/rutorrent/plugins/autodl-irssi/js/AutodlIrssiTab.js : 62] Uncaught TypeError: elem.prop is not a function

I replaced the info in the beginning with *

How can I fix this problem? I'm sorry for making my post long but I wanted to explain everything I did so I can get help if anything was wrong. Is it because the commands were not correct? I don't have any experience and I would like to get help with this. Thanks

thebigmunch commented 8 years ago

Support problems like this should be taken to the IRC channel, not posted on the issue tracker. But it's probable that you're using an old version of ruTorrent.

thebigmunch commented 8 years ago

For the record, this was caused by his provider (PulsedMedia) having installed an incredibly old version of ruTorrent (3.4).