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How to add a new algoritm to refresh the benchmark #55

Open DhavalRepo18 opened 7 months ago

DhavalRepo18 commented 7 months ago

We need a guide to add a new framework for enhancing the benchmark.

Innixma commented 6 months ago

Yes, definitely! Thank you for your interest. I am in the process of writing code that will allow to merge benchmark contexts together to make it easy to add a new framework's results without having to manually reconstruct the original Context from the paper. Expect this to be available and with a tutorial by end of January 2024.

Innixma commented 3 weeks ago

Update on this, unfortunately the merge logic was more complicated than I anticipated at the time and other tasks ended up taking priority.

I do still plan to improve the new framework addition logic when I find bandwidth. The tricky part is that we did a great deal of optimization and that optimization leads to a more complex object representation that isn't trivial to merge.