autograder-org / autoGrader-frontend

An automated assignment grading system that leverages LLMs and AI to enhance grading efficiency and reliability. It includes modules for data input, criteria definition, AI integration, consistency checks, and comprehensive reporting, aimed at improving educational outcomes.
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Analyze and Evaluate Rubrics Generated by the Automated Rubric Generation Chatbot #8

Open parthasarathydNU opened 2 months ago

parthasarathydNU commented 2 months ago


The purpose of this issue is to conduct a thorough analysis of the rubrics generated by our automated rubric generation chatbot. We need to evaluate whether these rubrics adhere to established educational and technical guidelines that make them effective for both manual and automated grading systems. This analysis will help ensure that the rubrics are clear, detailed, and consistent, thereby enhancing their utility in educational settings.

Resources to successfully complete this task:


  1. Collect Rubric Samples: Gather a diverse set of rubrics generated by the chatbot across various types of assignments and disciplines.

  2. Define Evaluation Criteria:

    • Clarity: Rubrics should be easily understandable, with no ambiguous language.
    • Detail: Each rubric criterion should provide specific, measurable indicators of performance.
    • Consistency: Similar performance levels across different rubrics should carry similar descriptions and point allocations.
    • Alignment with Educational Standards: Rubrics should align with accepted educational practices and objectives.
    • Suitability for Automation: Criteria should be defined in a way that allows for automated evaluation (e.g., clear thresholds, quantifiable outcomes).
  3. Review Process:

    • Manual Review: Conduct manual reviews of the collected rubric samples to assess adherence to the above criteria.
    • Feedback from Educators: Solicit feedback from a panel of educators on the clarity, usability, and educational value of the rubrics.
    • Automated Analysis: Use text analysis tools to assess the consistency and specificity of language used in the rubrics.
  4. Document Findings:

    • Compile the findings into a report detailing how well the chatbot-generated rubrics meet the evaluation criteria.
    • Include examples of both well-constructed and problematic rubrics to illustrate common issues and strengths.
  5. Recommend Improvements:

    • Based on the analysis, recommend specific changes to the chatbot’s rubric generation algorithms to improve clarity, detail, consistency, and automation suitability.

Expected Outcomes


This analysis is crucial for ensuring that our automated rubric generation chatbot produces high-quality educational tools that aid in fair and effective assessment practices. By ensuring our rubrics meet high standards, we can significantly enhance the learning and teaching experience.

parthasarathydNU commented 2 months ago

First version of chatbot

Feedback :

parthasarathydNU commented 2 months ago

Chatbot Feedback Template

User Information (Optional):

Feedback Submission Date: [Insert Date]

Link to Chatbot Session: [Insert URL]

1. Overall Experience:

2. What Went Well:

3. Areas for Improvement:

4. Feature Suggestions:

5. Additional Comments:

6. Consent to Use Feedback:

parthasarathydNU commented 2 months ago

Sample Chat GPT conversation for next iteration of the prompt