autoinfra-ai / lingtual-embedded-chat

easy embedded chat widget
3 stars 3 forks source link

Fixed chat bug #8

Closed bhaktatejas922 closed 9 months ago

bhaktatejas922 commented 9 months ago

Summary by CodeRabbit

Release Notes

coderabbitai[bot] commented 9 months ago


This update introduces the feature of suggested questions to the chat widget. It allows users to select from a list of pre-defined questions, enhancing user experience and interaction. The changes span across multiple files, including updates to state management, event handling, and UI rendering.


File Summary
public/index.html Added a new attribute suggested_questions to the lingtual-chat element.
src/chatWidget/.../index.tsx Introduced a new type suggestion, updated props, state variables, and functions in the ChatWindow component to handle suggested questions.
src/chatWidget/index.tsx Included a suggested_questions prop in the ChatWidget component and added styles for better UI.
src/index.tsx Added a suggested_questions property to the configuration object of the lingtual-chat custom element.


"In the land of code, where logic is king, A rabbit hopped forth, a new feature to bring. With a twitch of his nose, and a tap of his paw, He added suggestions, leaving all in awe. Now users can choose, from questions galore, Making their chats, easier than before. So here's to the rabbit, with his code so neat, His updates are truly, a remarkable feat!" 🎉🥕

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