automata / vivace

Live coding for Web
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Questions about #16

Closed catseye closed 6 years ago

catseye commented 11 years ago

I'm using Firefox 15.0.1.

catseye commented 11 years ago

I looked at the page source and saw that the textarea is initially populated with some example code which is erased when you load the page (so my question #4 is answered.) I suspect Ctrl+x, being the accelerator for "Cut", isn't being seen by Firefox (it actually cuts text out of the textarea.)

I also saw in the page source that the "vivace" logo has onclick="run();"; but clicking on it results in this error:

Error: TypeError: events is undefined Source File: Line: 278

automata commented 11 years ago

Hey @catseye! I'll try to answer your questions in order:

For a more complete example, please check this out:

Thanks for using vivace! I'm curious to know how you're using it! Can you share?

catseye commented 11 years ago

Ah -- I missed "For now, just Chrome and Safari implements Web Audio API" in the readme -- I should read more carefully, sorry. (I was recently playing with an online music tracker which worked in Firefox, which gave me the impression FF supported HTML5-ish audio, but I guess that page wasn't using the Web Audio API).

Right now, I'm just interested in livecoding languages and other "real-time interactive" languages -- trying to get a better impression of what kinds of things you do to program in them, and what kind of capabilities they support. I also looked at paulhodge/circa and digego/extempore, but vivace was the first one I've found that didn't require me to build anything :)

I'll try again after installing Chrome. Thanks!

automata commented 11 years ago

Thank you so much about your comments! Vivace is so inspired on @digego's extempore/impromptu and thor's ixi-lang (based on SuperCollider). Vivace is on its infancy for now, so any suggestion of features is very welcome.

Let's keep in touch!

automata commented 11 years ago

BTW, I'm in love with your esolangs :-)

automata commented 11 years ago

hmm... having some ideas for esolangs to live coding... :-)

in live coding the "write less, do more" practice is specially interesting. "one-line esolangs" similar to bit shift operations used to generate "bytebeat music" could be a nice approach.

catseye commented 11 years ago

Works for me in chromium-browser (the open-source Chrome package on Ubuntu). Very interesting! And thank you for your kind words re esolangs :)

Admittedly, I'm most interested in livecoding from the language perspective. I am (or, I used to be) a musician/composer too, and I find my experience with programming is similar to my experience with composing, but my experience actually playing a musical instrument is quite different. Although, I can improvise while playing, so maybe it shouldn't be that different, and, I was wondering how "improvising programming" might work, and Vivace has demystified that somewhat...

I will definitely be thinking more about livecoding languages in the near future, and will keep in touch. (All my questions are answered so feel free to close this issue, too :)

automata commented 11 years ago

Great! I'm using chromium-browser as well. Using this unstable release: Web Audio API on this release comes with oscillators.

So glad to know about it! Vivace was conceived as a language experiment near the way I like to compose and improvise music and to demystify this process. I'm happy to know it is working :-)

BTW if you on IRC, ping me (aut0mata) on #labmacambira @ freenode.

catseye commented 11 years ago

I wrote down a couple of naïve thoughts about livecoding, in case you are interested: