Add a responsive navbar.
on large screens the navbar should be a flex bar with justify between, it should have a brand on the left, an array of categories on the center and a group of search bar, user icon and cart icon towards the right. the first category from the array of categories should in theory be products and it will have bold text and will have a drop down menu with products when clicked. the user icon is also a dropdown that contains user information if the user is logged in or else contains a login button.
on small screens the navbar will have a hamburger menu on the left, the brand on the center and the group of user icon and cart icon on the right.
when the hamburger is clicked it will open up a draggable drawer from the left of the screen that contains the searchbar and the categories bellow that all displayed one bellow the other.
Add a responsive navbar. on large screens the navbar should be a flex bar with justify between, it should have a brand on the left, an array of categories on the center and a group of search bar, user icon and cart icon towards the right. the first category from the array of categories should in theory be products and it will have bold text and will have a drop down menu with products when clicked. the user icon is also a dropdown that contains user information if the user is logged in or else contains a login button.
on small screens the navbar will have a hamburger menu on the left, the brand on the center and the group of user icon and cart icon on the right.
when the hamburger is clicked it will open up a draggable drawer from the left of the screen that contains the searchbar and the categories bellow that all displayed one bellow the other.