automatisch / automatisch

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"/docker/": not found during deployment #1909

Closed mattsjohnston closed 3 weeks ago

mattsjohnston commented 4 weeks ago

When trying to deploy on, the automatisch-worker service is failing to deploy.

error: failed to solve: failed to compute cache key: failed to calculate checksum of ref
wrfrc9wj8mp01ckwrxe3k906l::y9j681802bmynrhabvic92umz: “/docker/”: not found
error: exit status 1

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Hit the Deploy on render button from the installation instructions page
  2. Wait for deploy fail, and read logs
barinali commented 3 weeks ago

@mattsjohnston, we have fixed the render deployment file. Could you try it and let us know if it helps you?

mattsjohnston commented 3 weeks ago

That worked! Thanks