automator-plus / tutorials

Code snippets and tutorials related to automating your Adobe workflow.
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Files and Folders #3

Open louwjlabuschagne opened 3 years ago

louwjlabuschagne commented 3 years ago

Video tutorial that builds upon using:

var importSingleFile = File.openDialog ("Import Video File");
var importAry = [];


var filterString = "*.*"
var importManyFiles = File.openDialog("Import Files", filterString, true);
var importAry = [];

if (importManyFiles) {
    for (var i = 0; i < importManyFiles.length; i++) {
        importAry[i] = importManyFiles[i].fsName;

app.project.importFiles(importAry, 1, app.project.rootItem, 0);

The main abilities of the tutorial should be:

louwjlabuschagne commented 3 years ago
    "extension": {
        "version": "1.3.5",
        "groupOrder": [
            ["Custom ExtendScript"]
    "automations": [{
        "uid": 5,
        "automation": "Execute Custom ExtendScript",
        "args": [{
            "key": "executeCustomExtendScriptScript",
            "value": "(new File(\"/Users/louwjlab/Pictures\")).execute()",
            "label": "Script"
        "summary": "Open Pictures",
        "description": "Script: (new File(\"/Users/louwjl\nab/Pictures\")).execute()\n",
        "group": "Custom ExtendScript",
        "tags": ["Auto Edit"],
        "keyboardEvent": {
            "altKey": false,
            "ctrlKey": false,
            "metaKey": false,
            "shiftKey": false,
            "keyCode": 80,
            "code": "KeyP"
        "isBig": false
    }, {
        "uid": 4,
        "automation": "Execute Custom ExtendScript",
        "args": [{
            "key": "executeCustomExtendScriptScript",
            "value": "(new File(\"/Applications/Microsoft\\\")).execute()",
            "label": "Script"
        "summary": "Open MS word",
        "description": "Script: (new File(\"/Applications\n/Microsoft\\\")).execute(\n)\n",
        "group": "Custom ExtendScript",
        "tags": ["Auto Edit"],
        "keyboardEvent": {
            "altKey": false,
            "ctrlKey": false,
            "metaKey": false,
            "shiftKey": false,
            "keyCode": 87,
            "code": "KeyW"
        "isBig": false
    }, {
        "uid": 3,
        "automation": "Execute Custom ExtendScript",
        "args": [{
            "key": "executeCustomExtendScriptScript",
            "value": "var importManyFiles = File.openDialog(\"Import Files\",\"*.*\", true);\nvar importAry = [];\n\nif (importManyFiles) {\n    for (var i = 0; i < importManyFiles.length; i++) {\n        importAry[i] = importManyFiles[i].fsName;\n    }\n}\n\napp.project.importFiles(importAry, 1, app.project.rootItem, 0);",
            "label": "Script"
        "summary": "Import Files",
        "description": "Script: var importManyFiles = Fi\nle.openDialog(\"Import Files\",\"*.\n*\", true);\nvar importAry = [];\n\n\nif (importManyFiles) {\n    for (\nvar i = 0; i < importManyFiles.l\nength; i++) {\n        importAry[\ni] = importManyFiles[i].fsName;\n\n    }\n}\n\napp.project.importFiles\n(importAry, 1, app.project.rootI\ntem, 0);\n",
        "group": "Custom ExtendScript",
        "tags": ["Auto Edit"],
        "keyboardEvent": {
            "altKey": false,
            "ctrlKey": false,
            "metaKey": false,
            "shiftKey": true,
            "keyCode": 73,
            "code": "KeyI"
        "isBig": false
    }, {
        "uid": 6,
        "automation": "Execute Custom ExtendScript",
        "args": [{
            "key": "executeCustomExtendScriptScript",
            "value": "var importSingleFile = File.openDialog (\"Import Video File\");\nvar importAry = [];\nimportAry.push(importSingleFile.fsName);\napp.project.importFiles(importAry);",
            "label": "Script"
        "summary": "Import File",
        "description": "Script: var importSingleFile = F\nile.openDialog (\"Import Video Fi\nle\");\nvar importAry = [];\nimport\nAry.push(importSingleFile.fsName\n);\napp.project.importFiles(impor\ntAry);\n",
        "group": "Custom ExtendScript",
        "tags": ["Auto Edit"],
        "keyboardEvent": {
            "altKey": false,
            "ctrlKey": false,
            "metaKey": false,
            "shiftKey": false,
            "keyCode": 73,
            "code": "KeyI"
        "isBig": false
    }, {
        "uid": 7,
        "automation": "Execute Custom ExtendScript",
        "args": [{
            "key": "executeCustomExtendScriptScript",
            "value": "(new Folder(\"/Users/louwjlab/Pictures/asdf\")).rename(\"fdsa\")",
            "label": "Script"
        "summary": "Rename Folder",
        "description": "Script: (new Folder(\"/Users/louw\njlab/Pictures/asdf\")).rename(\"fd\nsa\")\n",
        "group": "Custom ExtendScript",
        "tags": ["Auto Edit"],
        "keyboardEvent": {
            "altKey": false,
            "ctrlKey": false,
            "metaKey": false,
            "shiftKey": false,
            "keyCode": 82,
            "code": "KeyR"
        "isBig": false
    }, {
        "uid": 9,
        "automation": "Execute Custom ExtendScript",
        "args": [{
            "key": "executeCustomExtendScriptScript",
            "value": "photoshop.executeScript(\"alert('Howdey')\")",
            "label": "Script"
        "summary": "Execute alert on photoshop",
        "description": "Script: photoshop.executeScript(\n\"alert('Howdey')\")\n",
        "group": "Custom ExtendScript",
        "tags": ["Auto Edit"],
        "keyboardEvent": {
            "altKey": false,
            "ctrlKey": false,
            "metaKey": false,
            "shiftKey": false,
            "keyCode": 50,
            "code": "Digit2"
        "isBig": false
    }, {
        "uid": 8,
        "automation": "Execute Custom ExtendScript",
        "args": [{
            "key": "executeCustomExtendScriptScript",
            "value": " File(\"/Users/louwjlab/Downloads/posters/Poster\\ 1.psd\"))",
            "label": "Script"
        "summary": "Open Photoshop",
        "description": "Script: File(\n\"/Users/louwjlab/Downloads/poste\nrs/Poster\\ 1.psd\"))\n",
        "group": "Custom ExtendScript",
        "tags": ["Auto Edit"],
        "keyboardEvent": {
            "altKey": false,
            "ctrlKey": false,
            "metaKey": false,
            "shiftKey": false,
            "keyCode": 49,
            "code": "Digit1"
        "isBig": false
    }, {
        "uid": 10,
        "automation": "Execute Custom ExtendScript",
        "args": [{
            "key": "executeCustomExtendScriptScript",
            "value": "alert(JSON.stringify($.screens))",
            "label": "Script"
        "summary": "Screens",
        "description": "Script: alert(JSON.stringify($.s\ncreens))\n",
        "group": "Custom ExtendScript",
        "tags": ["Auto Edit"],
        "keyboardEvent": {
            "altKey": false,
            "ctrlKey": false,
            "metaKey": false,
            "shiftKey": false,
            "keyCode": 51,
            "code": "Digit3"
        "isBig": false
    }, {
        "uid": 11,
        "automation": "Execute Custom ExtendScript",
        "args": [{
            "key": "executeCustomExtendScriptScript",
            "value": "$.colorPicker()",
            "label": "Script"
        "summary": "Color Picker",
        "description": "Script: $.colorPicker()\n",
        "group": "Custom ExtendScript",
        "tags": ["Auto Edit"],
        "keyboardEvent": {
            "altKey": false,
            "ctrlKey": false,
            "metaKey": false,
            "shiftKey": false,
            "keyCode": 52,
            "code": "Digit4"
        "isBig": false
louwjlabuschagne commented 3 years ago
  1. File and Folder paths
  2. Import files into file type bins
  3. CSV import. Cut at times in CSV and add markers with comment
  4. Open Word or application, After Effects execute script and Photoshop file open from Premiere Pro