automerge / automerge-classic

A JSON-like data structure (a CRDT) that can be modified concurrently by different users, and merged again automatically.
MIT License
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rollup can't find wasm exports #524

Open BLukassen opened 1 year ago

BLukassen commented 1 year ago

I can't get automerge running in browser with rollup.

none of the exports from the wasm file will be recognized -> [name] is not exported by node_modules/@automerge/automerge-wasm/bundler/automerge_wasm_bg.wasm e.g.: automerge_generateSyncMessage is not exported by ...

what is missing for rollup


import * as Automerge from "@automerge/automerge";
export default () => {
    let doc = Automerge.init();
    let actorId = Automerge.getActorId(doc);
    console.log("Automerge", actorId);


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

<script type="module">
    import main from "./dist/browser/src/index.js";


import { nodeResolve } from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve';
import { wasm }        from '@rollup/plugin-wasm';
import commonjs        from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs';

export default {
    input: 'src/index.mjs',
    output: {
        sourcemap: true,
        preserveModules: true,
        dir: 'dist/browser',
        format: 'es'
    plugins: [
            browser: true,
            extensions: [".js", ".mjs", ".ts", ".wasm"],
            exportConditions: ["module"],
            mainFields: ["main", "module", "browser"]
            targetEnv: "browser"

alexjg commented 1 year ago

This looks to me like an issue with Rollup's wasm plugin rather than automerge specifically. Although I appreciate that the state of wasm module support in the JS ecosystem is quite frustrating at the moment.