Closed Mahsaft closed 3 years ago
Hi, can you please run using the DEBUG flag and post the full output? (just append --verbose DEBUG
Actually, can you also post the your swig-version? ($ swig -version
There is a known issue with pyrfr, see here in fanova issues. This looks a lot like it, but we'll know more with the debug-log. The tldr is: uninstall swig 4, install swig 3. However getting rid of swig 4 is not that easy, needs a few reinstalls of packages, here's what helped someone with the swig-problem:
pip uninstall smac
pip uninstall pyrfr
pip install pyrfr --no-cache-dir
pip install smac[all] --no-cache-dir
no idea how to that in pycharm, but if you find that this is the solution to your problem, please report back and leave the issue open :)
@Mahsaft I also think that the issue might likely be related to swig.
@shukon @AndreBiedenkapp thanks a lot. I follow the instruction and switch to swig 3. now It works on my core but somehow it still have same error on my pycharm virtual environment.
Mhm - I don't know enough about pycharm, but sometimes uninstalling old versions can be a pain. Glad to hear it works at all, good luck with your pycharm and let's hope this will be solved at some point upstream.
In pycharm you can change the interpreter for individual projects (see So you could change it for the project where you use CAVE. Since the issue was solved with SWIG3 I'll mark it as closed.
I have to use CAVE for my student project. After I had installed cave, I tried to use the quickstart but I reached the following error. I would be glad, if you could help me.
I tried CAVE 1.3 and CAVE 1.4 but both of them followed the same error.
I did the following recipe:
I am using: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS, Intel® Core™ i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz , Python 3.8.5 and Pycharm. I use the following packages and versions for CAVE 1.3.0
ConfigSpace | 0.4.9 Cython | 0.29.21 Jinja2 | 2.11.2 MarkupSafe | 1.1.1 Pillow | 8.0.1 PyImp | 1.1.0 PyYAML | 5.3.1 Pyro4 | 4.80 argcomplete | 1.12.1 bokeh | 1.1.0 cave | 1.3.0 certifi | 2020.6.20 cycler | 0.10.0 docutils | 0.16 fanova | 2.0.11 hpbandster | 0.7.4 joblib | 0.17.0 kiwisolver | 1.3.1 lazy-import | 0.2.2 matplotlib | 3.3.2 netifaces | 0.10.9 nose | 1.3.7 numpy | 1.19.4 packaging | 20.4 pandas | 1.1.4 patsy | 0.5.1 pip | 20.2.4 psutil | 5.7.3 pynisher | 0.6.1 pyparsing | 2.4.7 pyrfr | 0.8.0 python-dateutil | 2.8.1 pytz | 2020.4 scikit-learn | 0.21.3 scipy | 1.5.3 selenium | 3.141.0 serpent | 1.30.2 setuptools | 50.3.2 six | 1.15.0 sklearn | 0.0 smac | 0.12.0 sobol-seq | 0.2.0 statsmodels | 0.12.1 tornado | 6.1 tqdm | 4.51.0 typing | typing-extensions | urllib3 | 1.25.11