NASLib is a Neural Architecture Search (NAS) library for facilitating NAS research for the community by providing interfaces to several state-of-the-art NAS search spaces and optimizers.
The search space of nas benchmarks can be classified into two categories, one is NAS-Bench-101 which using DAG to represent search space, and the other is DARTS-like search space such as NAS-Bench-201, NAS-Bench-301, NATS-Bench etc.
Why there is no single path search space such as the one used in Sinlge Path One Shot, FairNAS,AngleNAS,RLNAS etc.
The search space of nas benchmarks can be classified into two categories, one is NAS-Bench-101 which using DAG to represent search space, and the other is DARTS-like search space such as NAS-Bench-201, NAS-Bench-301, NATS-Bench etc.
Why there is no single path search space such as the one used in Sinlge Path One Shot, FairNAS,AngleNAS,RLNAS etc.