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feat(sklearn): CVEvaluator allows `configure` and `build` params #250

Closed eddiebergman closed 10 months ago

eddiebergman commented 10 months ago

Cleans up some TODO's and makes the CVEvaluator more flexible for experienced users. Docstrings provided.

pipeline = Component(
        # Allow it to be configured with n_jobs
        "n_jobs": request("n_jobs", default=None)
    space={"n_estimators": (10, 100), "criterion": ["gini", "entropy"]},

evaluator = CVEvaluation(
    # Use the `configure` keyword in params to pass to the `n_jobs`
    # Anything in the pipeline requesting `n_jobs` will get the value
    params={"configure": {"n_jobs": 2}}
history = pipeline.optimize(...)

Same can be done to interact with build(), for example, to build with an ImblearnPipeline or use your own custom builder.

from imblearn.pipeline import Pipeline as ImbalancedPipeline
        "build": {
            "builder": "sklearn",
            "pipeline_type": ImbalancedPipeline

Same exmaples given in docstrings

eddiebergman commented 10 months ago

@LennartPurucker You don't have to review necessarily but I thought you might like to know about this feature whenever you might get to use this ;)