autonomousapps / dependency-analysis-gradle-plugin

Gradle plugin for JVM projects written in Java, Kotlin, Groovy, or Scala; and Android projects written in Java or Kotlin. Provides advice for managing dependencies and other applied plugins
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Improve actual output on testkit-truth #1073

Closed BraisGabin closed 6 months ago

BraisGabin commented 6 months ago

Right now when a test doesn't pass you get an output like this one:

Caused by: value of                : buildResult.task(:proj:compileJava2)
expected to have a value: FAILED
but was                 : null
buildResult was         : org.gradle.testkit.runner.internal.FeatureCheckBuildResult@1d75e7af
    at [[Reflective call: 4 frames collapsed (]].(:0)
    ... 1 more

With this change we get outputs like this one that give more information:

Caused by: value of:
expected to have a value:
but was:
buildResult was:
    Calculating task graph as no cached configuration is available for tasks: proj:assemble
    > Task :proj:processResources NO-SOURCE
    > Task :proj:compileJava
    > Task :proj:classes
    > Task :proj:jar
    > Task :proj:assemble

    2 actionable tasks: 2 executed
    Configuration cache entry stored.

    at [[Reflective call: 4 frames collapsed (]].(:0)
    ... 1 more

This way you can see directly that the task :proj:compileJava2 was not executed but :proj:compileJava was.

Related with #1068 (doesn't close it yet, I will create some more PRs)