autonomousvision / gaussian-opacity-fields

[SIGGRAPH Asia'24 & TOG] Gaussian Opacity Fields: Efficient Adaptive Surface Reconstruction in Unbounded Scenes
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OOM when evaluate_dtu_mesh #21

Open fangchuan opened 5 months ago

fangchuan commented 5 months ago

Hi, thanks for your wonderful work! I'm trying to repeat the quantitative results in your paper on a single A100 GPU. I am able to generate the tsdf fusion mesh in voxel_size=0.002, but I fail to run and was killed in the cull_mesh() function:

It takes over 1000 RAM and then is killed. Could you give me some suggestion or solution for this problem? @niujinshuchong Thanks in advance!

ruili3 commented 5 months ago

Hi, thanks for your wonderful work! I'm trying to repeat the quantitative results in your paper on a single A100 GPU. I am able to generate the tsdf fusion mesh in voxel_size=0.002, but I fail to run and was killed in the cull_mesh() function:

It takes over 1000 RAM and then is killed. Could you give me some suggestion or solution for this problem? @niujinshuchong Thanks in advance!


How do you manage loading dtu_cameras and gt_points here I can't find the corresponding files required in load_dtu_camera. How do you solve this? I can not run to your position otherwise we can take a look at it together.

fangchuan commented 5 months ago

Hi, thanks for your wonderful work! I'm trying to repeat the quantitative results in your paper on a single A100 GPU. I am able to generate the tsdf fusion mesh in voxel_size=0.002, but I fail to run and was killed in the cull_mesh() function:

It takes over 1000 RAM and then is killed. Could you give me some suggestion or solution for this problem? @niujinshuchong Thanks in advance!


How do you manage loading dtu_cameras and gt_points here

I can't find the corresponding files required in load_dtu_camera. How do you solve this? I can not run to your position otherwise we can take a look at it together.

You need to download the necessary data on DTU

niujinshuchong commented 5 months ago

Hi, what do you mean by 1000 RAM? do you mean 1000GB?

Shhfdsdf commented 4 months ago

image image

it seems like i get the same error,i use the uncull mesh to eval before,it's still be killed

Shhfdsdf commented 4 months ago

image image

it seems like i get the same error,i use the uncull mesh to eval before,it's still be killed

image after i removed these few lines of code,it works!but I'm not sure if the result is accurate

python dtu_eval/ --data exp_dtu/release/scan24/test/ours_30000/tsdf/tsdf_aligned.ply --scan 24 --mode mesh --dataset_dir dtu_eval/Offical_DTU_Dataset --vis_out_dir exp_dtu/release/scan24/test/ours_30000/tsdf done: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 9/9 [01:51<00:00, 12.34s/it] 0.4626517840226122 0.47273726170521585 0.467694522863914