autonomousvision / gaussian-opacity-fields

Gaussian Opacity Fields: Efficient and Compact Surface Reconstruction in Unbounded Scenes
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Weird Surface Result on Tandt Dataset #27

Closed Runyu-Zhou05 closed 1 month ago

Runyu-Zhou05 commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your great work! However, I have trouble with mesh extracting on the train scene of the tandt dataset. My command:


python -s ../../datasets/tandt/train -m outputs/$MODEL_PATH -r 2 --use_decoupled_appearance
python -m outputs/$MODEL_PATH --iteration 30000
python -m outputs/$MODEL_PATH --iteration 30000

I got such weird meshes:

image image image

I can't see any pattern in it. Is there anything wrong?

niujinshuchong commented 1 month ago

Hi, TNT scenes are unbounded and our method can also extract meshes for the background regions. You need to zoom in to the center of the scene to check the center object. Here it looks like the ground plane. You should also enable double direction of faces. image

Runyu-Zhou05 commented 1 month ago

Hi, TNT scenes are unbounded and our method can also extract meshes for the background regions. You need to zoom in to the center of the scene to check the center object. Here it looks like the ground plane. You should also enable double direction of faces. image

Hi, thank you for your quick response! Could you please recommend a viewer by which I can zoom in to see the details?

niujinshuchong commented 1 month ago

Hi, I use open3d for mesh viewer. I just uploaded the script of our mesh viewer. You can run it with

python your_mesh_path