autonomousvision / gaussian-opacity-fields

Gaussian Opacity Fields: Efficient and Compact Surface Reconstruction in Unbounded Scenes
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extract mesh #44

Open MELANCHOLY828 opened 1 month ago

MELANCHOLY828 commented 1 month ago

image Snipaste_2024-05-27_11-24-40 I ran the code to extract the mesh, but the resulting mesh looks like the one shown in the picture. Could you tell me what might be causing this issue? I am testing it with the mipnerf dataset

Shhfdsdf commented 1 month ago

maybe there is something wrong with your prepocessed images,you can try use one more time

MELANCHOLY828 commented 1 month ago

The images I rendered are correct, but the extracted mesh is not right. Thank you.

niujinshuchong commented 4 weeks ago

Hi, which scene do you use for the above results? More details would be helpful to figure out the issues.