autonomousvision / transfuser

[PAMI'23] TransFuser: Imitation with Transformer-Based Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Driving; [CVPR'21] Multi-Modal Fusion Transformer for End-to-End Autonomous Driving
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normalize the gps #183

Closed a1wj1 closed 11 months ago

a1wj1 commented 11 months ago

Hi -- thanks for all your work in releasing this code and that for the baselines. I noticed that in the RoutePlanner you have a mean and scale that is used to normalize the gps from the sensor.

It seems to have 2 values for 2 versions of carla. I'm trying to use this with a different version of carla (9.11) so I'm trying to find the equivalent.

        # self.mean = np.array([49.0, 8.0]) # for carla 9.9
        # self.scale = np.array([111324.60662786, 73032.1570362]) # for carla 9.9
        self.mean = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) # for carla 9.10
        self.scale = np.array([111324.60662786, 111319.490945]) # for carla 9.10


I have understood the calculation method of mean and use the following function to calculate:

def _get_latlon_ref(world):
    Convert from waypoints world coordinates to CARLA GPS coordinates
    :return: tuple with lat and lon coordinates
    xodr = world.get_map().to_opendrive()
    tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(xodr.encode('utf-8')))

    # default reference
    lat_ref = 42.0
    lon_ref = 2.0

    for opendrive in tree.iter("OpenDRIVE"):
        for header in opendrive.iter("header"):
            for georef in header.iter("geoReference"):
                if georef.text:
                    str_list = georef.text.split(' ')
                    for item in str_list:
                        if '+lat_0' in item:
                            lat_ref = float(item.split('=')[1])
                        if '+lon_0' in item:
                            lon_ref = float(item.split('=')[1])
    return lat_ref, lon_ref

But I'm not sure about the calculation method for scale yet. Can you help explain it?

Kait0 commented 11 months ago

These numbers are still from the carla leaderboard starter kit. I don't know how they were computed. I assume someone collected a dataset of ground truth, gps pairs and ran linear regression on it. I tested other mathematical conversion methods, but the results were always biased and much less accurate than this method which has less than 1 cm conversion error.

You should test first whether these values still work in CARLA 0.9.11 before trying to make new once.

a1wj1 commented 11 months ago

OK,Thank you very much!

a1wj1 commented 11 months ago

OK,Thank you very much!