autophagy / twitter-bg-restorer

Chrome & Firefox extension for setting custom image/colour backgrounds on Twitter
MIT License
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drop-down-lists won't open? #16

Open ksdixon opened 4 years ago

ksdixon commented 4 years ago

Firstly, thanks for making this firefox addon. I can sort-of get this to work, by setting it to use a color background, and the default choice of black works great, replaces all of the background on Twitter.

My issue is that the upload image box doesn't open a file browser window, and the color box chooser doesn't open up a drop-down list of color choices. Is there a way I can fix this?

Ideally I'd like to make Twitter use a custom background color?

ksdixon commented 4 years ago

This seems to be related to popup settings?

After previously disabling them, I changed the following four settings back to True: dom.webnotifications.enabled dom.webnotifications.serviceworker.enabled dom.pushconnection.enabled dom.push.enabled

however, when i try to open those menu items, I still get the yellow notification bar at the top of the browser about having blocked-up a popup. Even after allowing popups for about:addons, it still doesn't change the behaviour so that it works?

autophagy commented 4 years ago

Thanks for flagging this! I will try and replicate it and if successful make a fix for it. :slightly_smiling_face:

ksdixon commented 4 years ago

After much messing around on fresh FF profiles, down-grading the version of FF to get all unsigned addons working, reupdating, i didn't seem to be getting much of anywhere.

Finally a wholesale import into Waterfox Classic allowed me to get this extension working, get some choice unsigned addons working, and then set about re-doing any addon settings that hadn't moved across to Waterfox.

Then a whole-sale move-back to FF pretty much worked well. Finally Twitter looks how I want it to. :)