autopkg / apizz-recipes

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Changed variable name according to parent #64

Closed Bretterteig closed 1 year ago

Bretterteig commented 1 year ago

As discussed in Slack I switched the version merge to the parent recipe's "long_version" variable. Using "long_version" extracted by the parent .download recipe results in a more presentable version.

The current recipe is non functional as the package is imported with "%version%" as version.

Here are both runs in comparison:

New run:

{'Input': {'re_pattern': 'h2[^1-9]*(11(\\.\\d+)+)',
           'result_output_var_name': 'long_version',
           'url': ''}}
URLTextSearcher: Found matching text (long_version): 11.2
{'Output': {'long_version': '11.2'}}
{'Input': {'url': ''}}
URLDownloader: No value supplied for prefetch_filename, setting default value of: False
URLDownloader: No value supplied for CHECK_FILESIZE_ONLY, setting default value of: False
URLDownloader: Item at URL is unchanged.
URLDownloader: Using existing /Users/trujmu/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.apizz.munki.AbletonLive/downloads/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal.dmg
{'Output': {'pathname': '/Users/trujmu/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.apizz.munki.AbletonLive/downloads/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal.dmg'}}
{'Input': {}}
{'Output': {}}
{'Input': {'input_path': '/Users/trujmu/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.apizz.munki.AbletonLive/downloads/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal.dmg/*.app',
           'requirement': 'identifier "" and anchor apple '
                          'generic and certificate '
                          '1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and '
                          'certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] '
                          '/* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = '
CodeSignatureVerifier: Mounted disk image /Users/trujmu/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.apizz.munki.AbletonLive/downloads/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal.dmg
CodeSignatureVerifier: Using path '/private/tmp/dmg.dh1NrD/Ableton Live 11' matched from globbed '/private/tmp/dmg.dh1NrD/*.app'.
CodeSignatureVerifier: Verifying code signature...
CodeSignatureVerifier: Deep verification enabled...
CodeSignatureVerifier: Strict verification not defined. Using codesign defaults...
CodeSignatureVerifier: /private/tmp/dmg.dh1NrD/Ableton Live 11 valid on disk
CodeSignatureVerifier: /private/tmp/dmg.dh1NrD/Ableton Live 11 satisfies its Designated Requirement
CodeSignatureVerifier: /private/tmp/dmg.dh1NrD/Ableton Live 11 explicit requirement satisfied
CodeSignatureVerifier: Signature is valid
{'Output': {}}
{'Input': {'additional_pkginfo': {'version': '11.2'},
           'pkginfo': {'catalogs': ['testing'],
                       'category': 'Music',
                       'description': 'Live is fast, fluid and flexible '
                                      'software for music creation and '
                                      'performance. It comes with effects, '
                                      'instruments, sounds and all kinds of '
                                      'creative features—everything you need '
                                      'to make any kind of music.\n'
                                      'Create in a traditional linear '
                                      'arrangement, or improvise without the '
                                      'constraints of a timeline in Live’s '
                                      'Session View. Move freely between '
                                      'musical elements and play with ideas, '
                                      'without stopping the music and without '
                                      'breaking your flow.',
                       'developer': 'Ableton',
                       'display_name': 'Ableton Live',
                       'name': 'AbletonLive',
                       'unattended_install': True}}}
MunkiPkginfoMerger: Merged {'version': '11.2'} into pkginfo
{'Output': {'pkginfo': {'catalogs': ['testing'],
                        'category': 'Music',
                        'description': 'Live is fast, fluid and flexible '
                                       'software for music creation and '
                                       'performance. It comes with effects, '
                                       'instruments, sounds and all kinds of '
                                       'creative features—everything you need '
                                       'to make any kind of music.\n'
                                       'Create in a traditional linear '
                                       'arrangement, or improvise without the '
                                       'constraints of a timeline in Live’s '
                                       'Session View. Move freely between '
                                       'musical elements and play with ideas, '
                                       'without stopping the music and without '
                                       'breaking your flow.',
                        'developer': 'Ableton',
                        'display_name': 'Ableton Live',
                        'name': 'AbletonLive',
                        'unattended_install': True,
                        'version': '11.2'}}}
{'Input': {'MUNKI_REPO': '/Users/trujmu/Desktop/munki',
           'pkg_path': '/Users/trujmu/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.apizz.munki.AbletonLive/downloads/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal.dmg',
           'pkginfo': {'catalogs': ['testing'],
                       'category': 'Music',
                       'description': 'Live is fast, fluid and flexible '
                                      'software for music creation and '
                                      'performance. It comes with effects, '
                                      'instruments, sounds and all kinds of '
                                      'creative features—everything you need '
                                      'to make any kind of music.\n'
                                      'Create in a traditional linear '
                                      'arrangement, or improvise without the '
                                      'constraints of a timeline in Live’s '
                                      'Session View. Move freely between '
                                      'musical elements and play with ideas, '
                                      'without stopping the music and without '
                                      'breaking your flow.',
                       'developer': 'Ableton',
                       'display_name': 'Ableton Live',
                       'name': 'AbletonLive',
                       'unattended_install': True,
                       'version': '11.2'},
           'repo_subdirectory': 'apps/abletonlive'}}
MunkiImporter: No value supplied for MUNKI_REPO_PLUGIN, setting default value of: FileRepo
MunkiImporter: No value supplied for MUNKILIB_DIR, setting default value of: /usr/local/munki
MunkiImporter: No value supplied for force_munki_repo_lib, setting default value of: False
MunkiImporter: Using repo lib: AutoPkgLib
MunkiImporter:         plugin: FileRepo
MunkiImporter:           repo: /Users/trujmu/Desktop/munki
MunkiImporter: Copied pkginfo to: /Users/trujmu/Desktop/munki/pkgsinfo/apps/abletonlive/AbletonLive-11.2.plist
MunkiImporter:            pkg to: /Users/trujmu/Desktop/munki/pkgs/apps/abletonlive/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal-11.2.dmg
{'Output': {'munki_importer_summary_result': {'data': {'catalogs': 'testing',
                                                       'icon_repo_path': '',
                                                       'name': 'AbletonLive',
                                                       'pkg_repo_path': 'apps/abletonlive/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal-11.2.dmg',
                                                       'pkginfo_path': 'apps/abletonlive/AbletonLive-11.2.plist',
                                                       'version': '11.2'},
                                              'report_fields': ['name',
                                              'summary_text': 'The following '
                                                              'new items were '
                                                              'imported into '
            'munki_info': {'_metadata': {'created_by': 'trujmu',
                                         'creation_date': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 6, 14, 44, 21),
                                         'munki_version': '',
                                         'os_version': '12.6'},
                           'autoremove': False,
                           'catalogs': ['testing'],
                           'category': 'Music',
                           'description': 'Live is fast, fluid and flexible '
                                          'software for music creation and '
                                          'performance. It comes with effects, '
                                          'instruments, sounds and all kinds '
                                          'of creative features—everything you '
                                          'need to make any kind of music.\n'
                                          'Create in a traditional linear '
                                          'arrangement, or improvise without '
                                          'the constraints of a timeline in '
                                          'Live’s Session View. Move freely '
                                          'between musical elements and play '
                                          'with ideas, without stopping the '
                                          'music and without breaking your '
                           'developer': 'Ableton',
                           'display_name': 'Ableton Live',
                           'installer_item_hash': '9f9ecdb2a1b7684fdd00d49acb742ded1de0c61f05fcf703e8522db9836f0df2',
                           'installer_item_location': 'apps/abletonlive/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal-11.2.dmg',
                           'installer_item_size': 3017685,
                           'installer_type': 'copy_from_dmg',
                           'installs': [{'CFBundleIdentifier': '',
                                         'CFBundleName': 'Live',
                                         'CFBundleShortVersionString': '11.2 '
                                         'CFBundleVersion': '11.2 '
                                         'minosversion': '10.13',
                                         'path': '/Applications/Ableton Live '
                                         'type': 'application',
                                         'version_comparison_key': 'CFBundleShortVersionString'}],
                           'items_to_copy': [{'destination_path': '/Applications',
                                              'source_item': 'Ableton Live 11 '
                           'minimum_os_version': '10.13',
                           'name': 'AbletonLive',
                           'unattended_install': True,
                           'uninstall_method': 'remove_copied_items',
                           'uninstallable': True,
                           'version': '11.2'},
            'munki_repo_changed': True,
            'pkg_repo_path': '/Users/trujmu/Desktop/munki/pkgs/apps/abletonlive/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal-11.2.dmg',
            'pkginfo_repo_path': '/Users/trujmu/Desktop/munki/pkgsinfo/apps/abletonlive/AbletonLive-11.2.plist'}}
Receipt written to /Users/trujmu/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.apizz.munki.AbletonLive/receipts/AbletonLive.munki-receipt-20221006-164421.plist

The following new items were imported into Munki:
    Name         Version  Catalogs  Pkginfo Path                             Pkg Repo Path                                               Icon Repo Path
    ----         -------  --------  ------------                             -------------                                               --------------
    AbletonLive  11.2     testing   apps/abletonlive/AbletonLive-11.2.plist  apps/abletonlive/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal-11.2.dmg

Old run:

Processing /Users/trujmu/Library/AutoPkg/RecipeRepos/com.github.autopkg.apizz-recipes/Ableton/AbletonLive.munki.recipe...
WARNING: /Users/trujmu/Library/AutoPkg/RecipeRepos/com.github.autopkg.apizz-recipes/Ableton/AbletonLive.munki.recipe is missing trust info and FAIL_RECIPES_WITHOUT_TRUST_INFO is not set. Proceeding...
{'Input': {'re_pattern': 'h2[^1-9]*(11(\\.\\d+)+)',
           'result_output_var_name': 'long_version',
           'url': ''}}
URLTextSearcher: Found matching text (long_version): 11.2
{'Output': {'long_version': '11.2'}}
{'Input': {'url': ''}}
URLDownloader: No value supplied for prefetch_filename, setting default value of: False
URLDownloader: No value supplied for CHECK_FILESIZE_ONLY, setting default value of: False
URLDownloader: Item at URL is unchanged.
URLDownloader: Using existing /Users/trujmu/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.apizz.munki.AbletonLive/downloads/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal.dmg
{'Output': {'pathname': '/Users/trujmu/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.apizz.munki.AbletonLive/downloads/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal.dmg'}}
{'Input': {}}
{'Output': {}}
{'Input': {'input_path': '/Users/trujmu/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.apizz.munki.AbletonLive/downloads/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal.dmg/*.app',
           'requirement': 'identifier "" and anchor apple '
                          'generic and certificate '
                          '1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and '
                          'certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] '
                          '/* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = '
CodeSignatureVerifier: Mounted disk image /Users/trujmu/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.apizz.munki.AbletonLive/downloads/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal.dmg
CodeSignatureVerifier: Using path '/private/tmp/dmg.4jRC5G/Ableton Live 11' matched from globbed '/private/tmp/dmg.4jRC5G/*.app'.
CodeSignatureVerifier: Verifying code signature...
CodeSignatureVerifier: Deep verification enabled...
CodeSignatureVerifier: Strict verification not defined. Using codesign defaults...
CodeSignatureVerifier: /private/tmp/dmg.4jRC5G/Ableton Live 11 valid on disk
CodeSignatureVerifier: /private/tmp/dmg.4jRC5G/Ableton Live 11 satisfies its Designated Requirement
CodeSignatureVerifier: /private/tmp/dmg.4jRC5G/Ableton Live 11 explicit requirement satisfied
CodeSignatureVerifier: Signature is valid
{'Output': {}}
Use of undefined key in variable substitution: 'version'
{'Input': {'additional_pkginfo': {'version': '%version%'},
           'pkginfo': {'catalogs': ['testing'],
                       'category': 'Music',
                       'description': 'Live is fast, fluid and flexible '
                                      'software for music creation and '
                                      'performance. It comes with effects, '
                                      'instruments, sounds and all kinds of '
                                      'creative features—everything you need '
                                      'to make any kind of music.\n'
                                      'Create in a traditional linear '
                                      'arrangement, or improvise without the '
                                      'constraints of a timeline in Live’s '
                                      'Session View. Move freely between '
                                      'musical elements and play with ideas, '
                                      'without stopping the music and without '
                                      'breaking your flow.',
                       'developer': 'Ableton',
                       'display_name': 'Ableton Live',
                       'name': 'AbletonLive',
                       'unattended_install': True}}}
MunkiPkginfoMerger: Merged {'version': '%version%'} into pkginfo
{'Output': {'pkginfo': {'catalogs': ['testing'],
                        'category': 'Music',
                        'description': 'Live is fast, fluid and flexible '
                                       'software for music creation and '
                                       'performance. It comes with effects, '
                                       'instruments, sounds and all kinds of '
                                       'creative features—everything you need '
                                       'to make any kind of music.\n'
                                       'Create in a traditional linear '
                                       'arrangement, or improvise without the '
                                       'constraints of a timeline in Live’s '
                                       'Session View. Move freely between '
                                       'musical elements and play with ideas, '
                                       'without stopping the music and without '
                                       'breaking your flow.',
                        'developer': 'Ableton',
                        'display_name': 'Ableton Live',
                        'name': 'AbletonLive',
                        'unattended_install': True,
                        'version': '%version%'}}}
{'Input': {'MUNKI_REPO': '/Users/trujmu/Desktop/munki',
           'pkg_path': '/Users/trujmu/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.apizz.munki.AbletonLive/downloads/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal.dmg',
           'pkginfo': {'catalogs': ['testing'],
                       'category': 'Music',
                       'description': 'Live is fast, fluid and flexible '
                                      'software for music creation and '
                                      'performance. It comes with effects, '
                                      'instruments, sounds and all kinds of '
                                      'creative features—everything you need '
                                      'to make any kind of music.\n'
                                      'Create in a traditional linear '
                                      'arrangement, or improvise without the '
                                      'constraints of a timeline in Live’s '
                                      'Session View. Move freely between '
                                      'musical elements and play with ideas, '
                                      'without stopping the music and without '
                                      'breaking your flow.',
                       'developer': 'Ableton',
                       'display_name': 'Ableton Live',
                       'name': 'AbletonLive',
                       'unattended_install': True,
                       'version': '%version%'},
           'repo_subdirectory': 'apps/abletonlive'}}
MunkiImporter: No value supplied for MUNKI_REPO_PLUGIN, setting default value of: FileRepo
MunkiImporter: No value supplied for MUNKILIB_DIR, setting default value of: /usr/local/munki
MunkiImporter: No value supplied for force_munki_repo_lib, setting default value of: False
MunkiImporter: Using repo lib: AutoPkgLib
MunkiImporter:         plugin: FileRepo
MunkiImporter:           repo: /Users/trujmu/Desktop/munki
MunkiImporter: Copied pkginfo to: /Users/trujmu/Desktop/munki/pkgsinfo/apps/abletonlive/AbletonLive-%version%.plist
MunkiImporter:            pkg to: /Users/trujmu/Desktop/munki/pkgs/apps/abletonlive/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal-%version%.dmg
{'Output': {'munki_importer_summary_result': {'data': {'catalogs': 'testing',
                                                       'icon_repo_path': '',
                                                       'name': 'AbletonLive',
                                                       'pkg_repo_path': 'apps/abletonlive/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal-%version%.dmg',
                                                       'pkginfo_path': 'apps/abletonlive/AbletonLive-%version%.plist',
                                                       'version': '%version%'},
                                              'report_fields': ['name',
                                              'summary_text': 'The following '
                                                              'new items were '
                                                              'imported into '
            'munki_info': {'_metadata': {'created_by': 'trujmu',
                                         'creation_date': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 6, 14, 52, 55),
                                         'munki_version': '',
                                         'os_version': '12.6'},
                           'autoremove': False,
                           'catalogs': ['testing'],
                           'category': 'Music',
                           'description': 'Live is fast, fluid and flexible '
                                          'software for music creation and '
                                          'performance. It comes with effects, '
                                          'instruments, sounds and all kinds '
                                          'of creative features—everything you '
                                          'need to make any kind of music.\n'
                                          'Create in a traditional linear '
                                          'arrangement, or improvise without '
                                          'the constraints of a timeline in '
                                          'Live’s Session View. Move freely '
                                          'between musical elements and play '
                                          'with ideas, without stopping the '
                                          'music and without breaking your '
                           'developer': 'Ableton',
                           'display_name': 'Ableton Live',
                           'installer_item_hash': '9f9ecdb2a1b7684fdd00d49acb742ded1de0c61f05fcf703e8522db9836f0df2',
                           'installer_item_location': 'apps/abletonlive/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal-%version%.dmg',
                           'installer_item_size': 3017685,
                           'installer_type': 'copy_from_dmg',
                           'installs': [{'CFBundleIdentifier': '',
                                         'CFBundleName': 'Live',
                                         'CFBundleShortVersionString': '11.2 '
                                         'CFBundleVersion': '11.2 '
                                         'minosversion': '10.13',
                                         'path': '/Applications/Ableton Live '
                                         'type': 'application',
                                         'version_comparison_key': 'CFBundleShortVersionString'}],
                           'items_to_copy': [{'destination_path': '/Applications',
                                              'source_item': 'Ableton Live 11 '
                           'minimum_os_version': '10.13',
                           'name': 'AbletonLive',
                           'unattended_install': True,
                           'uninstall_method': 'remove_copied_items',
                           'uninstallable': True,
                           'version': '%version%'},
            'munki_repo_changed': True,
            'pkg_repo_path': '/Users/trujmu/Desktop/munki/pkgs/apps/abletonlive/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal-%version%.dmg',
            'pkginfo_repo_path': '/Users/trujmu/Desktop/munki/pkgsinfo/apps/abletonlive/AbletonLive-%version%.plist'}}
Receipt written to /Users/trujmu/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.apizz.munki.AbletonLive/receipts/AbletonLive.munki-receipt-20221006-165256.plist

The following new items were imported into Munki:
    Name         Version    Catalogs  Pkginfo Path                                  Pkg Repo Path                                                    Icon Repo Path
    ----         -------    --------  ------------                                  -------------                                                    --------------
    AbletonLive  %version%  testing   apps/abletonlive/AbletonLive-%version%.plist  apps/abletonlive/ableton_live_lite_11.2_universal-%version%.dmg