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Cloudflare munki recipe #353

Open gircho opened 1 month ago

gircho commented 1 month ago

We are getting below error when we run Cloudflare munki recipe

Error in com.github.dataJAR-recipes.munki.Cloudflare WARP: Processor: FlatPkgUnpacker: Error: extraction

Kindly suggest what need to change

paul-cossey commented 1 month ago

Hi, @gircho

I've just run the recipe and it's working ok for me. Could you run this in terminal for me please autopkg run -v /path/to/the/recipe/Cloudflare\ WARP.munki.recipe and post the output in a comment?

This is what I just saw

autopkg run -v Cloudflare\ WARP.munki.recipe
Looking for WARP...
Did not find WARP in recipe map
Rebuilding recipe map with current working directories...
Looking for WARP...
Found WARP in recipe map
**load_recipe time: 0.006972042014240287
Processing Cloudflare WARP.munki.recipe...
WARNING: Cloudflare WARP.munki.recipe is missing trust info and FAIL_RECIPES_WITHOUT_TRUST_INFO is not set. Proceeding...
URLDownloader: Downloaded /Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.dataJAR-recipes.munki.Cloudflare WARP/downloads/CloudflareWARP.pkg
CodeSignatureVerifier: Verifying installer package signature...
CodeSignatureVerifier: Package "CloudflareWARP.pkg":
CodeSignatureVerifier:    Status: signed by a developer certificate issued by Apple for distribution
CodeSignatureVerifier:    Notarization: trusted by the Apple notary service
CodeSignatureVerifier:    Signed with a trusted timestamp on: 2024-07-30 19:59:58 +0000
CodeSignatureVerifier:    Certificate Chain:
CodeSignatureVerifier:     1. Developer ID Installer: Cloudflare Inc. (68WVV388M8)
CodeSignatureVerifier:        Expires: 2025-05-14 14:18:46 +0000
CodeSignatureVerifier:        SHA256 Fingerprint:
CodeSignatureVerifier:            C3 23 82 88 6A 8F 46 C9 3D AD 35 40 66 3E 12 2B 17 5E 27 27 9F 6D 
CodeSignatureVerifier:            82 67 B3 B9 1A DA A4 74 23 37
CodeSignatureVerifier:        ------------------------------------------------------------------------
CodeSignatureVerifier:     2. Developer ID Certification Authority
CodeSignatureVerifier:        Expires: 2027-02-01 22:12:15 +0000
CodeSignatureVerifier:        SHA256 Fingerprint:
CodeSignatureVerifier:            7A FC 9D 01 A6 2F 03 A2 DE 96 37 93 6D 4A FE 68 09 0D 2D E1 8D 03 
CodeSignatureVerifier:            F2 9C 88 CF B0 B1 BA 63 58 7F
CodeSignatureVerifier:        ------------------------------------------------------------------------
CodeSignatureVerifier:     3. Apple Root CA
CodeSignatureVerifier:        Expires: 2035-02-09 21:40:36 +0000
CodeSignatureVerifier:        SHA256 Fingerprint:
CodeSignatureVerifier:            B0 B1 73 0E CB C7 FF 45 05 14 2C 49 F1 29 5E 6E DA 6B CA ED 7E 2C 
CodeSignatureVerifier:            68 C5 BE 91 B5 A1 10 01 F0 24
CodeSignatureVerifier: Signature is valid
CodeSignatureVerifier: Authority name chain is valid
FlatPkgUnpacker: Unpacked /Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.dataJAR-recipes.munki.Cloudflare WARP/downloads/CloudflareWARP.pkg to /Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.dataJAR-recipes.munki.Cloudflare WARP/unpack
FileFinder: Found file match: '/Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.dataJAR-recipes.munki.Cloudflare WARP/unpack/Cloudflare_WARP_2024.6.474.0.pkg' from globbed '/Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.dataJAR-recipes.munki.Cloudflare WARP/unpack/Cloudflare_WARP_*.pkg'
FileFinder: Basename match: 'Cloudflare_WARP_2024.6.474.0.pkg'
PkgPayloadUnpacker: Unpacked /Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.dataJAR-recipes.munki.Cloudflare WARP/unpack/Cloudflare_WARP_2024.6.474.0.pkg/Payload to /Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.dataJAR-recipes.munki.Cloudflare WARP/Applications
MunkiInstallsItemsCreator: Created installs item for /Applications/Cloudflare
MunkiInstallsItemsCreator: Derived minimum os version as: 10.14
MunkiPkginfoMerger: Merged {'installs': [{'CFBundleIdentifier': 'com.cloudflare.1dot1dot1dot1.macos', 'CFBundleName': 'Cloudflare WARP', 'CFBundleShortVersionString': '2024.6.474.0', 'CFBundleVersion': '20240730.24', 'minosversion': '10.14', 'path': '/Applications/Cloudflare', 'type': 'application', 'version_comparison_key': 'CFBundleShortVersionString'}], 'minimum_os_version': '10.14'} into pkginfo
MunkiImporter: Using repo lib: AutoPkgLib
MunkiImporter:         plugin: FileRepo
MunkiImporter:           repo: /Users/Shared/munki_repo
MunkiImporter: Copied pkginfo to: /Users/Shared/munki_repo/pkgsinfo/apps/CloudflareWARP/CloudflareWARP-2024.6.474.plist
MunkiImporter:            pkg to: /Users/Shared/munki_repo/pkgs/apps/CloudflareWARP/CloudflareWARP-2024.6.474.pkg
PathDeleter: Deleted /Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.dataJAR-recipes.munki.Cloudflare WARP/unpack
PathDeleter: Deleted /Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.dataJAR-recipes.munki.Cloudflare WARP/Applications
Receipt written to /Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.dataJAR-recipes.munki.Cloudflare WARP/receipts/Cloudflare WARP.munki-receipt-20240809-162545.plist

The following new items were downloaded:
    Download Path                                                                                                           
    /Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.dataJAR-recipes.munki.Cloudflare WARP/downloads/CloudflareWARP.pkg  

The following new items were imported into Munki:
    Name            Version     Catalogs  Pkginfo Path                                         Pkg Repo Path                                      Icon Repo Path  
    ----            -------     --------  ------------                                         -------------                                      --------------  
    CloudflareWARP  2024.6.474  testing   apps/CloudflareWARP/CloudflareWARP-2024.6.474.plist  apps/CloudflareWARP/CloudflareWARP-2024.6.474.pkg
paul-cossey commented 1 month ago

It's also possible you need to update your copy of the repo, there was a fix for Cloudflare WARP last month: