autopkg / hjuutilainen-recipes

Recipes for AutoPkg
MIT License
49 stars 74 forks source link

Update to match current links #237

Closed octomike closed 1 year ago

octomike commented 1 year ago

Fixes #236

Could be simplified, decided to do as few changes as possible however

Example run:

autopkg  run --ignore-parent-trust-verification-errors  -v GIMP.munki.recipe 

Processing GIMP.munki.recipe...
URLTextSearcher: Found matching text (version_match): 2.10
URLTextSearcher: Found matching text (dmg_match): gimp-2.10.32-x86_64.dmg
URLDownloader: Item at URL is unchanged.
URLDownloader: Using existing /Users/admin/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/local.munki.GIMP/downloads/GIMP.dmg
CodeSignatureVerifier: Mounted disk image /Users/admin/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/local.munki.GIMP/downloads/GIMP.dmg
CodeSignatureVerifier: Using path '/private/tmp/dmg.iF1QrS/' matched from globbed '/private/tmp/dmg.iF1QrS/GIMP*.app'.
CodeSignatureVerifier: Verifying code signature...
CodeSignatureVerifier: Deep verification enabled...
CodeSignatureVerifier: Strict verification enabled...
CodeSignatureVerifier: /private/tmp/dmg.iF1QrS/ valid on disk
CodeSignatureVerifier: /private/tmp/dmg.iF1QrS/ satisfies its Designated Requirement
CodeSignatureVerifier: /private/tmp/dmg.iF1QrS/ explicit requirement satisfied
CodeSignatureVerifier: Signature is valid
MunkiImporter: Using repo lib: AutoPkgLib
MunkiImporter:         plugin: FileRepo
MunkiImporter:           repo: /mnt/munkipkgs/
MunkiImporter: Item GIMP.dmg already exists in the munki repo as pkgs/apps/GIMP/GIMP-2.10.32.dmg.
Receipt written to /Users/admin/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/local.munki.GIMP/receipts/GIMP.munki-receipt-20220830-161851.plist

Nothing downloaded, packaged or imported.
hjuutilainen commented 1 year ago

Do you have the latest changes for GIMP recipe? There was already a PR for this earlier today.

octomike commented 1 year ago

Ha, I did not see that.

I just rebased and force pushed, because the earlier patch seems to be incomplete. My test run with current master downloads an older version of 2.10.10:

autopkg  run --ignore-parent-trust-verification-errors  -v GIMP.munki.recipe

Processing GIMP.munki.recipe...
URLTextSearcher: Found matching text (version_match): 2.10
URLTextSearcher: Found matching text (dmg_match): gimp-2.10.10-x86_64.dmg
URLDownloader: Storing new Last-Modified header: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 13:08:54 GMT
URLDownloader: Storing new ETag header: "9df5faa-5a134def332d1"
URLDownloader: Downloaded /Users/admin/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/local.munki.GIMP/downloads/GIMP.dmg
CodeSignatureVerifier: Mounted disk image /Users/admin/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/local.munki.GIMP/downloads/GIMP.dmg
CodeSignatureVerifier: Using path '/private/tmp/dmg.2MQIsN/' matched from globbed '/private/tmp/dmg.2MQIsN/GIMP*.app'.
CodeSignatureVerifier: Verifying code signature...
CodeSignatureVerifier: Deep verification enabled...
CodeSignatureVerifier: Strict verification enabled...
CodeSignatureVerifier: /private/tmp/dmg.2MQIsN/ valid on disk
CodeSignatureVerifier: /private/tmp/dmg.2MQIsN/ satisfies its Designated Requirement
CodeSignatureVerifier: /private/tmp/dmg.2MQIsN/ explicit requirement satisfied
CodeSignatureVerifier: Signature is valid
MunkiImporter: Using repo lib: AutoPkgLib
MunkiImporter:         plugin: FileRepo
MunkiImporter:           repo: /mnt/munkipkgs/
MunkiImporter: Copied pkginfo to: /mnt/munkipkgs/pkgsinfo/apps/GIMP/GIMP-2.10.10.plist
MunkiImporter:            pkg to: /mnt/munkipkgs/pkgs/apps/GIMP/GIMP-2.10.10.dmg
Receipt written to /Users/admin/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/local.munki.GIMP/receipts/GIMP.munki-receipt-20220830-163415.plist

The following new items were downloaded:
    Download Path                                                           

The following new items were imported into Munki:
    Name  Version  Catalogs    Pkginfo Path                  Pkg Repo Path               Icon Repo Path  
    ----  -------  --------    ------------                  -------------               --------------  
    GIMP  2.10.10  production  apps/GIMP/GIMP-2.10.10.plist  apps/GIMP/GIMP-2.10.10.dmg
Will-l88 commented 1 year ago

Have the same issue. Pulls through version 2.10.10 whereas current latest version is 2.10.32

Line39 needs updating in the download recipe as follows:

jrmfong commented 1 year ago

Same issue here. Still pull 2.10.10 instead of 2.10.32

hjuutilainen commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the patience everyone. This should finally be fixed in the latest commit.