autopkg / hjuutilainen-recipes

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Updated regex and %RELEASE% variable for Libre Office #276

Closed pandemicus closed 4 months ago

pandemicus commented 4 months ago

Regex and %RELEASE% variable should now reflect the new naming convention on the releases page. You must use 'Latest' instead of 'fresh' and 'Previous' instead of 'still'.

On a side note, there is a version mismatch on the releases page and the download URL at the moment.

On the releases page it says "24.2".

The download URL is "24.2.0".

This makes the recipe unable to download the "24.2.0" version for "Latest". I have emailed Libre Office to fix this. Until then the "Previous" version works as intended.

hjuutilainen commented 4 months ago

Thank you very much for the PR!