autopkg / jazzace-recipes

Anthony Reimer's AutoPkg recipes, mostly related to DeployStudio and music.
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Update MuseScore to pull releases from GitHub #10

Closed haircut closed 5 years ago

haircut commented 5 years ago

It appears MuseScore is now providing full releases on GitHub, and the previous URLTextSearcher download recipe was no longer working reliably for me.

Switching to GitHubReleasesInfoProvider and filtering by the regex MuseScore-[\.\d]+\.dmg allows for the proper download of the DMG.

jazzace commented 5 years ago

Your solution is an improvement if they have fully switched to GitHub (or if GitHub is always an option), but it does eliminate capturing the version from the regex string. Let me see if I can change the pkg recipe to gather the version information from the app bundle. If I can, I will accept this PR. (It might take a few days; just getting back from vacation.)

jazzace commented 5 years ago

Confirmed that I need to add a Versioner processor to the pkg recipe to generate the same results as the current recipe chain. Once that is done, I will merge this one.

jazzace commented 5 years ago

Never mind. Apparently the GitHubReleasesInfoProvider processor grabs the same version number that the regex did in the previous recipe (rather than the value for CFBundleShortVersionString, which has a build number appended). Merging.