autopkg / joshua-d-miller-recipes

My recipes for autopkg
13 stars 44 forks source link

Update #165

Closed paul-cossey closed 3 months ago

paul-cossey commented 3 months ago

Hi, @joshua-d-miller

The LyX recipe is currently failing with the following error

URLDownloader: Error: Command '['/usr/bin/curl', '--silent', '--show-error', '--no-buffer', '--dump-header', '-', '--speed-time', '30', '--location', '--url', '', '--fail', '--output', '/Users/sadmin/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/local.definition.LyX/downloads/tmpuh561at4']' returned non-zero exit status 28.

This PR updates the LyX download recipe with an updated download url.

autopkg run -vv lyx.munki.recipe
Looking for
Did not find in recipe map
Rebuilding recipe map with current working directories...
Looking for
Found in recipe map
**load_recipe time: 0.00630125000316184
Processing lyx.munki.recipe...
WARNING: lyx.munki.recipe is missing trust info and FAIL_RECIPES_WITHOUT_TRUST_INFO is not set. Proceeding...
{'Input': {'re_pattern': 'bin\\/(?P<versiondir>.*?)\\/(?P<file>LyX-.*?\\+qt.*?-x86_64-arm64-cocoa\\.dmg)',
           'url': ''}}
URLTextSearcher: No value supplied for result_output_var_name, setting default value of: match
URLTextSearcher: Found matching text (versiondir): 2.3.8
URLTextSearcher: Found matching text (file): LyX-2.3.8+qt5-x86_64-arm64-cocoa.dmg
URLTextSearcher: Found matching text (match): LyX-2.3.8+qt5-x86_64-arm64-cocoa.dmg
{'Output': {'file': 'LyX-2.3.8+qt5-x86_64-arm64-cocoa.dmg',
            'match': 'LyX-2.3.8+qt5-x86_64-arm64-cocoa.dmg',
            'versiondir': '2.3.8'}}
{'Input': {'filename': 'LyX.dmg',
           'url': ''}}
URLDownloader: No value supplied for prefetch_filename, setting default value of: False
URLDownloader: No value supplied for CHECK_FILESIZE_ONLY, setting default value of: False
URLDownloader: Storing new Last-Modified header: Tue, 14 May 2024 02:19:32 GMT
URLDownloader: Storing new ETag header: "6642ca34-9f61ecb"
URLDownloader: Downloaded /Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.joshua-d-miller.autopkg.munki.LyX/downloads/LyX.dmg
{'Output': {'download_changed': True,
            'etag': '"6642ca34-9f61ecb"',
            'last_modified': 'Tue, 14 May 2024 02:19:32 GMT',
            'pathname': '/Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.joshua-d-miller.autopkg.munki.LyX/downloads/LyX.dmg',
            'url_downloader_summary_result': {'data': {'download_path': '/Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.joshua-d-miller.autopkg.munki.LyX/downloads/LyX.dmg'},
                                              'summary_text': 'The following '
                                                              'new items were '
{'Input': {'input_path': '/Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.joshua-d-miller.autopkg.munki.LyX/downloads/LyX.dmg/',
           'requirement': 'identifier "org.lyx.lyx" and certificate leaf = '
CodeSignatureVerifier: Mounted disk image /Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.joshua-d-miller.autopkg.munki.LyX/downloads/LyX.dmg
CodeSignatureVerifier: Verifying code signature...
CodeSignatureVerifier: Deep verification enabled...
CodeSignatureVerifier: Strict verification not defined. Using codesign defaults...
CodeSignatureVerifier: /private/tmp/dmg.21zWPX/ valid on disk
CodeSignatureVerifier: /private/tmp/dmg.21zWPX/ satisfies its Designated Requirement
CodeSignatureVerifier: /private/tmp/dmg.21zWPX/ explicit requirement satisfied
CodeSignatureVerifier: Signature is valid
{'Output': {}}
{'Input': {}}
{'Output': {}}
{'Input': {'MUNKI_REPO': '/Users/Shared/munki_repo',
           'pkg_path': '/Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.joshua-d-miller.autopkg.munki.LyX/downloads/LyX.dmg',
           'pkginfo': {'catalogs': ['testing'],
                       'category': 'Mathematics',
                       'description': 'LyX is a document processor that '
                                      'encourages an approach to writing based '
                                      'on the structure of your documents '
                                      '(WYSIWYM) and not simply their '
                                      'appearance (WYSIWYG).\n'
                                      '            LyX combines the power and '
                                      'flexibility of TeX/LaTeX with the ease '
                                      'of use of a graphical interface. This '
                                      'results in world-class support for '
                                      'creation of mathematical content (via a '
                                      'fully integrated equation editor) and '
                                      'structured documents like academic '
                                      'articles, theses, and books. In '
                                      'addition, staples of scientific '
                                      'authoring such as reference list and '
                                      'index creation come standard. But you '
                                      'can also use LyX to create a letter or '
                                      'a novel or a theatre play or film '
                                      'script. A broad array of ready, '
                                      'well-designed document layouts are '
                                      'built in.\n'
                                      '            LyX is for people who want '
                                      'their writing to look great, right out '
                                      'of the box. No more endless tinkering '
                                      'with formatting details, “finger '
                                      'painting” font attributes or futzing '
                                      'around with page boundaries. You just '
                                      'write. On screen, LyX looks like any '
                                      'word processor; its printed output — or '
                                      'richly cross-referenced PDF, just as '
                                      'readily produced — looks like nothing '
                                      '            ',
                       'developer': 'LyX',
                       'display_name': 'LyX',
                       'name': 'LyX',
                       'requires': ['MacTeX'],
                       'unattended_install': True},
           'repo_subdirectory': 'apps/lyx'}}
MunkiImporter: No value supplied for MUNKI_REPO_PLUGIN, setting default value of: FileRepo
MunkiImporter: No value supplied for MUNKILIB_DIR, setting default value of: /usr/local/munki
MunkiImporter: No value supplied for force_munki_repo_lib, setting default value of: False
MunkiImporter: Using repo lib: AutoPkgLib
MunkiImporter:         plugin: FileRepo
MunkiImporter:           repo: /Users/Shared/munki_repo
MunkiImporter: Copied pkginfo to: /Users/Shared/munki_repo/pkgsinfo/apps/lyx/LyX-2.3.8.plist
MunkiImporter:            pkg to: /Users/Shared/munki_repo/pkgs/apps/lyx/LyX-2.3.8.dmg
{'Output': {'munki_importer_summary_result': {'data': {'catalogs': 'testing',
                                                       'icon_repo_path': '',
                                                       'name': 'LyX',
                                                       'pkg_repo_path': 'apps/lyx/LyX-2.3.8.dmg',
                                                       'pkginfo_path': 'apps/lyx/LyX-2.3.8.plist',
                                                       'version': '2.3.8'},
                                              'report_fields': ['name',
                                              'summary_text': 'The following '
                                                              'new items were '
                                                              'imported into '
            'munki_info': {'_metadata': {'created_by': 'paul.cossey',
                                         'creation_date': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 20, 15, 3, 1),
                                         'munki_version': '',
                                         'os_version': '14.5'},
                           'autoremove': False,
                           'catalogs': ['testing'],
                           'category': 'Mathematics',
                           'description': 'LyX is a document processor that '
                                          'encourages an approach to writing '
                                          'based on the structure of your '
                                          'documents (WYSIWYM) and not simply '
                                          'their appearance (WYSIWYG).\n'
                                          '            LyX combines the power '
                                          'and flexibility of TeX/LaTeX with '
                                          'the ease of use of a graphical '
                                          'interface. This results in '
                                          'world-class support for creation of '
                                          'mathematical content (via a fully '
                                          'integrated equation editor) and '
                                          'structured documents like academic '
                                          'articles, theses, and books. In '
                                          'addition, staples of scientific '
                                          'authoring such as reference list '
                                          'and index creation come standard. '
                                          'But you can also use LyX to create '
                                          'a letter or a novel or a theatre '
                                          'play or film script. A broad array '
                                          'of ready, well-designed document '
                                          'layouts are built in.\n'
                                          '            LyX is for people who '
                                          'want their writing to look great, '
                                          'right out of the box. No more '
                                          'endless tinkering with formatting '
                                          'details, “finger painting” font '
                                          'attributes or futzing around with '
                                          'page boundaries. You just write. On '
                                          'screen, LyX looks like any word '
                                          'processor; its printed output — or '
                                          'richly cross-referenced PDF, just '
                                          'as readily produced — looks like '
                                          'nothing else.\n'
                                          '            ',
                           'developer': 'LyX',
                           'display_name': 'LyX',
                           'installer_item_hash': '36971cd05d0064d00cba95c0943685f06e96777488b500ddb8850df352b2ef45',
                           'installer_item_location': 'apps/lyx/LyX-2.3.8.dmg',
                           'installer_item_size': 163207,
                           'installer_type': 'copy_from_dmg',
                           'installs': [{'CFBundleIdentifier': 'org.lyx.lyx',
                                         'CFBundleName': 'LyX',
                                         'CFBundleShortVersionString': '2.3.8',
                                         'path': '/Applications/',
                                         'type': 'application',
                                         'version_comparison_key': 'CFBundleShortVersionString'}],
                           'items_to_copy': [{'destination_path': '/Applications',
                                              'source_item': ''}],
                           'minimum_os_version': '10.4.0',
                           'name': 'LyX',
                           'requires': ['MacTeX'],
                           'unattended_install': True,
                           'uninstall_method': 'remove_copied_items',
                           'uninstallable': True,
                           'version': '2.3.8'},
            'munki_repo_changed': True,
            'pkg_repo_path': '/Users/Shared/munki_repo/pkgs/apps/lyx/LyX-2.3.8.dmg',
            'pkginfo_repo_path': '/Users/Shared/munki_repo/pkgsinfo/apps/lyx/LyX-2.3.8.plist'}}
Receipt written to /Users/paul.cossey/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/com.github.joshua-d-miller.autopkg.munki.LyX/receipts/lyx.munki-receipt-20240520-160301.plist

The following new items were downloaded:
    Download Path                                                                                            

The following new items were imported into Munki:
    Name  Version  Catalogs  Pkginfo Path              Pkg Repo Path           Icon Repo Path  
    ----  -------  --------  ------------              -------------           --------------  
    LyX   2.3.8    testing   apps/lyx/LyX-2.3.8.plist  apps/lyx/LyX-2.3.8.dmg
paul-cossey commented 3 months ago

Seems to be working again now, I'll close this