autopkg / smithjw-recipes

Smithjw's AutoPkg recipes
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Figma Universal PKG processor failing #46

Open markkenny opened 9 months ago

markkenny commented 9 months ago

Just swapped to Universal download and PKG recipes and it prompting an error. One of the processors is creating a payload folder, and it's erroring trying to remove it. I tried a clone of your recipes and it's still erorring if I add '%RECIPE_CACHE_DIR%/payload' to the FriendlyPathDeleter, I think because this is not expecting intel and arm payloads.

The following recipes failed: Figma.SS.jamf.recipe.yaml Error in com.mycom.autopkg.figma: Processor: AppPkgCreator: Error: [Errno 66] Directory not empty: '/Users/user/Git/autopkg/CACHE/com.mycom.autopkg.figma/payload'

I think "Added arch to cache path to prevent race conditions with concurrent runs #43" is the same issue, but the Docker Universal recipe is slightly different

markkenny commented 9 months ago

My mistake. Was looking and testing against an old recipe!