autopub / autopub

Automatically publish package releases upon pull request merge
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Question on Autopub compatibility with different changelog and release methods #41

Open estyxx opened 7 months ago

estyxx commented 7 months ago

Hello @justinmayer and @patrick91, I'm closely following the exciting developments of Autopub, particularly the work on version 1. As an enthusiastic fan and prospective user, I have a couple of questions that I believe align with your current work.

1. Customizable Changelog Format: Wagtail, the project I'm involved with, uses a different format for its changelog, as seen here: Wagtail CHANGELOG. Instead of a single PR per title, Wagtail lists multiple entries under a single release title, each prefixed with tags like 'Add:', 'Maintenance:', or 'Docs:'. Currently, this is managed manually without a strict format.

Question: Could Autopub support this changelog format? This feature would significantly enhance its applicability to projects like Wagtail. Perhaps through the new plugin system?

2. Separate Stages for Merging and Release: Wagtail's workflow involves merging PRs and updating the changelog first, followed by a scheduled release according to the release plan, rather than releasing immediately after PR closure.

Question: Can Autopub accommodate this two-stage process – merging and changelog update first, followed by a later release on GitHub/PyPI?

I recognize these requests might extend beyond the immediate scope of the development of Version 1. However, I believe implementing these features could significantly expand Autopub's functionality, making it more suitable for diverse projects, including Wagtail.

Additionally, I wish to experiment with Autopub v1 with the beta project Strawberry-Wagtail, created by @patrick91. This application could serve as a novel test case and potentially pave the way for Autopub's future integration into Wagtail, especially if it can adapt to our specific changelog and release methodologies.

I'd appreciate your thoughts on these matters. Thanks!

patrick91 commented 7 months ago

I think the long term goal would be to allow all of that, but the current v1 assumes that you'll work with files, the goal is to abstract that out as well, but that's more for a v2. I'm not that happy with how I set up the plugin system 😅

I'm testing all of in, but I don't know when it will be ready, but I want to start using this in Strawberry before the end of the year

Maybe for Wagtail you could take a look at (a friend of mine works on it)?