Open broweratcognitecdotcom opened 7 years ago
I made local copies of the required files and changed them to support webpack.
Can you show your example?
I am also interested in the solution to this problem.
Could not find any working example to consume SOAP WSDL from Angular CLI . Please share if any one come across
Can anyone provide an example which demonstrates the way of using this library with angular-cli?
This is for angular-cli.json
// ...
"apps": [
// ...
"scripts": [
The "System.register()" problem is SystemJS <> Webpack issue... still needs update of this package.
@broweratcognitecdotcom: can you share your solution?
System.register(['@angular/core'], function(exports_1, context_1) { ...
This is not supported by webpack. Is there a workaround? Thanks.