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[Feature Request]: Integrating Cppcheck for Static Analysis and GitHub Actions #110

Open autosarzs opened 1 month ago

autosarzs commented 1 month ago

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This ticket focuses on enhancing our development process by integrating Cppcheck as a static analysis tool and seamlessly incorporating it into our GitHub Actions workflows for scheduled runs and pull request flows. Additionally, we will include a checklist item to ensure proper documentation accompanies this integration.

  1. Integrate Cppcheck for Static Analysis:

    • Integrate Cppcheck into our build process to perform static analysis of our C/C++ codebase.
    • Configure Cppcheck to analyze our code for potential issues, including memory leaks, null pointer dereferences, and other common vulnerabilities.
    • Set up Cppcheck to generate actionable reports that highlight detected issues and provide insights into code quality improvements.
  2. GitHub Actions Integration:

    • Configure GitHub Actions workflows to automatically run Cppcheck as part of our continuous integration pipeline.
    • Implement scheduled workflows to perform Cppcheck analysis at regular intervals, ensuring ongoing code quality monitoring.
    • Integrate Cppcheck analysis into our pull request workflows to provide immediate feedback on code changes and prevent the introduction of new issues.
  3. Documentation Creation:

    • Add a checklist item to create comprehensive documentation for the Cppcheck integration.
    • Document the setup process, including installation instructions, configuration details, and usage guidelines for developers.
    • Provide examples of Cppcheck reports and explain how to interpret and act upon the findings to improve code quality.

By completing this ticket, we aim to strengthen our codebase by leveraging Cppcheck for static analysis and integrating it seamlessly into our GitHub Actions workflows. This integration will enhance our development process by identifying and addressing potential issues early, leading to more robust and maintainable code. Additionally, comprehensive documentation will ensure that all team members can effectively utilize Cppcheck and understand its impact on our workflow.