Open chriscarpenter12 opened 10 years ago
superficially can't see anything wrong with the Taxon data
from log wonder if the issue is occurring before and throwing a spanner in the works somehow
have you tried a more simple line with just basic product plus taxons
I won't have time to look at this till the weekend
cheers tom
albums : all music:
From: Chris Carpenter To: autotelik/datashift_spree Sent: Thursday, 25 September 2014, 20:46 Subject: [datashift_spree] Taxons keep failing to import (#31)
From all the docs indicate it is just "categories>test"
,test3,3.99,5.99,test3,test3,,,test3,test3,test3,1,1,,,,,"name:test_name|presentation:Name","test_name:This is a test",,"categories>test>sub-test",,,,,,,,
My log
Spree Loading initialised with:
Product load from File [spree_products.csv]
Product load using forced operators: [["images", "variant_price", "variant_sku", "price"]]
Starting load from file [spree_products.csv]
Perform Load Options:
{"input"=>"spree_products.csv", "verbose"=>true, "mandatory"=>["sku", "name", "price"], "force_inclusion"=>["images", "variant_price", "variant_sku", "price"]} [1m[36m (39.1ms)[0m [1mBEGIN[0m
Processing default value available_on : 2014-09-25 15:43:42
Processing default value cost_price : 0.0
Processing default value price : 0.0
Processing value: []
Populator assigning data via id
Assignging => [id](CAST 2 TYPE 0)
Processing value: [test3]
Populator assigning data via sku
Brute force assignment of value test3 => [sku]
Processing value: [3.99]
Populator assigning data via price
Brute force assignment of value 3.99 => [price]
Processing value: [5.99]
Populator assigning data via map
Brute force assignment of value 5.99 => [map]
Processing value: [test3]
Populator assigning data via name
Assignging test3 => [name](CAST 2 TYPE)
Processing value: [test3]
Populator assigning data via description
Assignging test3 => [description](CAST 2 TYPE)
Processing value: [2014-09-25 15:43:42]
Populator assigning data via available_on
Assignging 2014-09-25 15:43:42 => [available_on](CAST 2 TYPE 2014-09-25 15:43:42 UTC)
Processing value: []
Populator assigning data via deleted_at
Assignging => [deleted_at](CAST 2 TYPE nil)
Processing value: [test3]
Populator assigning data via slug
Assignging test3 => [slug](CAST 2 TYPE)
Processing value: [test3]
Populator assigning data via meta_description
Assignging test3 => [meta_description](CAST 2 TYPE)
Processing value: [test3]
Populator assigning data via meta_keywords
Assignging test3 => [meta_keywords](CAST 2 TYPE)
Processing value: [1]
Populator assigning data via tax_category_id
Assignging 1 => [tax_category_id](CAST 2 TYPE 1)
Processing value: [1]
Populator assigning data via shipping_category_id
Assignging 1 => [shipping_category_id](CAST 2 TYPE 1)
Processing value: []
Populator assigning data via created_at
Assignging => [created_at](CAST 2 TYPE nil)
Processing value: []
Populator assigning data via updated_at
Assignging => [updated_at](CAST 2 TYPE nil)
Processing value: []
Trying to find operator class with Parent Namespace Spree [1m[35mSpree::Product Exists (37.6ms)[0m SELECT 1 AS one FROM spree_products
WHERE spree_products
= BINARY 'test3' LIMIT 1 [1m[36mSpree::Product Exists (33.8ms)[0m [1mSELECT 1 AS one FROM spree_products
WHERE spree_products
= BINARY 'test3' LIMIT 1[0m [1m[35mSQL (38.0ms)[0m INSERT INTO spree_products
, created_at
, description
, id
, meta_description
, meta_keywords
, name
, shipping_category_id
, slug
, tax_category_id
, updated_at
) VALUES ('2014-09-25 15:43:42', '2014-09-25 19:43:43', 'test3', 0, 'test3', 'test3', 'test3', 1, 'test3', 1, '2014-09-25 19:43:43') [1m[36mSpree::Variant Exists (39.9ms)[0m [1mSELECT 1 AS one FROM spree_variants
WHERE spree_variants
= BINARY 'test3' AND spree_variants
IS NULL LIMIT 1[0m [1m[35mSQL (37.2ms)[0m INSERT INTO spree_variants
, cost_price
, map
, sku
, updated_at
) VALUES ('USD', 0.0, 5.99, 0, 'test3', '2014-09-25 19:43:43') [1m[36mSpree::Variant Load (40.1ms)[0m [1mSELECT spree_variants
.* FROM spree_variants
WHERE spree_variants
= 40 LIMIT 1[0m [1m[35mSQL (35.1ms)[0m INSERT INTO spree_prices
, currency
, variant_id
) VALUES (3.99, 'USD', 40) [1m[36mSQL (37.4ms)[0m [1mUPDATE spree_variants
SET spree_variants
= '2014-09-25 19:43:43' WHERE spree_variants
= 40[0m [1m[35mSpree::Product Load (44.4ms)[0m SELECT spree_products
.* FROM spree_products
WHERE spree_products
= 0 LIMIT 1 [1m[36mSpree::StockLocation Load (39.6ms)[0m [1mSELECT spree_stock_locations
.* FROM spree_stock_locations
[0m [1m[35mSpree::StockLocation Load (51.9ms)[0m SELECT spree_stock_locations
.* FROM spree_stock_locations
WHERE spree_stock_locations
= 1 LIMIT 1 [1m[36mSpree::StockItem Exists (36.0ms)[0m [1mSELECT 1 AS one FROM
WHERE (spree_stock_items
= BINARY 40 AND spree_stock_items
= 1 AND spree_stock_items
IS NULL) LIMIT 1[0m [1m[35mSQL (35.8ms)[0m INSERT INTO spree_stock_items
, created_at
, stock_location_id
, updated_at
, variant_id
) VALUES (1, '2014-09-25 19:43:44', 1, '2014-09-25 19:43:44', 40) [1m[36mSQL (43.5ms)[0m [1mUPDATE spree_variants
SET spree_variants
= '2014-09-25 19:43:44' WHERE spree_variants
= 40[0m [1m[35mSQL (36.2ms)[0m UPDATE spree_products
SET spree_products
= '2014-09-25 19:43:44' WHERE spree_products
= 0 [1m[36m (41.1ms)[0m [1mSELECT MAX(spree_variants
) AS max_id FROM spree_variants
WHERE spree_variants
IS NULL AND spree_variants
= 0 AND spree_variants
= 0[0m [1m[35mSQL (40.5ms)[0m UPDATE spree_variants
SET spree_variants
= 1
WHERE spree_variants
= 40 [1m[36m (43.5ms)[0m [1mSELECT SUM(spree_stock_items
) AS sum_id FROM spree_stock_items
INNER JOIN spree_stock_locations
ON spree_stock_locations
= spree_stock_items
WHERE spree_stock_items
IS NULL AND spree_stock_items
= 40 AND spree_stock_locations
= 1[0m [1m[35mSQL (37.5ms)[0m UPDATE spree_products
SET spree_products
= '2014-09-25 19:43:44' WHERE spree_products
= 0 [1m[36mSpree::Variant Exists (41.6ms)[0m [1mSELECT 1 AS one FROM spree_variants
WHERE (spree_variants
= BINARY 'test3' AND spree_variants
!= 40) AND spree_variants
IS NULL LIMIT 1[0m [1m[35mSQL (41.2ms)[0m UPDATE spree_variants
SET is_master
= 1, updated_at
= '2014-09-25 19:43:44' WHERE spree_variants
= 40 [1m[36mSQL (54.8ms)[0m [1mUPDATE spree_products
SET spree_products
'2014-09-25 19:43:44' WHERE spree_products
= 0[0m [1m[35mSpree::Taxon Load (78.0ms)[0m SELECT spree_taxons
.* FROM spree_taxons
INNER JOIN spree_products_taxons
ON spree_taxons
= spree_products_taxons
WHERE spree_products_taxons
= 0 [1m[36mSQL (39.6ms)[0m [1mUPDATE spree_taxons
SET spree_taxons
= '2014-09-25 19:43:45' WHERE 1=0[0m [1m[35mSQL (43.2ms)[0m UPDATE spree_taxonomies
SET spree_taxonomies
= '2014-09-25 19:43:45' WHERE 1=0 ORDER BY spree_taxonomies.position
Processing value: []
add_options_variants []
Processing value: [name:test_name|presentation:Name]
Trying to find operator class with Parent Namespace Spree
Parsed inbound data into name << test_name
Scan for multiple has_many associations ["test_name"] [1m[36mSpree::Property Load (41.2ms)[0m [1mSELECT spree_properties
.* FROM spree_properties
WHERE spree_properties
IN ('test_name')[0m
Scan result #<ActiveRecord::Relation []>
Association properties with key(s) ["test_name"] NOT found - Not added.
Parsed inbound data into presentation << Name
Scan for multiple has_many associations ["Name"] [1m[35mSpree::Property Load (37.9ms)[0m SELECT spree_properties
.* FROM spree_properties
WHERE spree_properties
IN ('Name')
Scan result #<ActiveRecord::Relation []>
Association properties with key(s) ["Name"] NOT found - Not added.
Processing value: [test_name:This is a test]
Parsed inbound data into test_name << This is a test [1m[36mSpree::Property Load (43.7ms)[0m [1mSELECT spree_properties
.* FROM spree_properties
WHERE spree_properties
= 'test_name' LIMIT 1[0m [1m[35mSQL (38.4ms)[0m INSERT INTO spree_properties
, name
, presentation
, updated_at
) VALUES ('2014-09-25 19:43:45', 'test_name', 'Test name', '2014-09-25 19:43:45')
Created New Property #<Spree::Property id: 20, name: "test_name", presentation: "Test name", created_at: "2014-09-25 19:43:45", updated_at: "2014-09-25 19:43:45"> [1m[36mSQL (36.5ms)[0m [1mINSERT INTO spree_product_properties
, property_id
, updated_at
, value
) VALUES ('2014-09-25 19:43:45', 20, '2014-09-25 19:43:45', 'This is a test')[0m [1m[35mSQL (39.2ms)[0m UPDATE spree_product_properties
SET product_id
= 0, updated_at
= '2014-09-25 19:43:45' WHERE spree_product_properties
= 75 [1m[36mSQL (33.1ms)[0m [1mUPDATE spree_products
SET spree_products
= '2014-09-25 19:43:45' WHERE spree_products
= 0[0m
Created New ProductProperty #<Spree::ProductProperty id: 75, value: "This is a test", product_id: 0, property_id: 20, created_at: "2014-09-25 19:43:45", updated_at: "2014-09-25 19:43:45", position: 0>
Processing value: []
Trying to find operator class with Parent Namespace Spree
Processing value: [categories>test>sub-test]
Failed to process row [0]([nil, "test3", "3.99", "5.99", "test3", "test3", nil, nil, "test3", "test3", "test3", "1", "1", nil, nil, nil, nil, "name:test_name|presentation:Name", "test_name:This is a test", nil, "categories>test>sub-test", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]) [1m[35m (47.2ms)[0m COMMIT
The Product, Variant and Properties are working, but I cannot get Taxons working.
Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.
Did some digging in the product_loader.rb last night and found a few things. Line 388: I think find_or_createby* was deprecated. Maybe should be:
parent_taxonomy = @@taxonomy_klass.find_or_create_by(name: parent_name)
Line 398: I think find_or_createby* was deprecated. Maybe should be:
taxon = @@taxon_klass.find_or_create_by(name: name, parent_id:, taxonomy_id:
The taxon assigned to the product doesn't seem to be correct either. It is generating a product_id of 0 on every line in spree_products_taxons.
Also from what I understand of spree if a product is in Category > Clothing > Shirts then it belongs to Shirts not Shirts, Clothing and Category. It should only be assigned to the last taxon. If you want multiple taxons then define Category > Clothing > Shirts | Category > Clothing
Where does @@taxon_klass come from? I can't seem to find it defined anywhere? Is it the Spree Class related to the function being run?
I'm having the same problem here. Trying with products with a simple hierarchy of taxons, same issue, products are imported ok (properties too, etc), but taxons are not created, here is what I've got in logs:
Processing value: [Rubros>Guitarras|Marcas>Fender]
Spree::Taxonomy Load (0.8ms) SELECT "spree_taxonomies".* FROM "spree_taxonomies" INNER JOIN "spree_taxonomy_translations" ON "spree_taxonomy_translations"."spree_taxonomy_id" = "spree_taxonomies"."id" WHERE "spree_taxonomy_translations"."name" = 'Rubros' AND "spree_taxonomy_translations"."locale" = 'es' AND ( IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY spree_taxonomies.position LIMIT 1
Spree::Taxonomy::Translation Load (0.5ms) SELECT "spree_taxonomy_translations".* FROM "spree_taxonomy_translations" WHERE "spree_taxonomy_translations"."spree_taxonomy_id" IN (1)
Spree::Taxon Load (0.9ms) SELECT "spree_taxons".* FROM "spree_taxons" WHERE "spree_taxons"."taxonomy_id" = $1 AND "spree_taxons"."parent_id" IS NULL ORDER BY "spree_taxons"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["taxonomy_id", 1]]
#<NoMethodError: undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass>
Cannot assign Taxon [''] to Product ['SST-01 - Stratocaster']
Spree::Taxon Load (1.0ms) SELECT "spree_taxons".* FROM "spree_taxons" INNER JOIN "spree_products_taxons" ON "spree_taxons"."id" = "spree_products_taxons"."taxon_id" WHERE "spree_products_taxons"."product_id" = $1 [["product_id", 14683]]
Product assigned to Taxons : []
Spree::Taxonomy Load (0.6ms) SELECT "spree_taxonomies".* FROM "spree_taxonomies" INNER JOIN "spree_taxonomy_translations" ON "spree_taxonomy_translations"."spree_taxonomy_id" = "spree_taxonomies"."id" WHERE "spree_taxonomy_translations"."name" = 'Marcas' AND "spree_taxonomy_translations"."locale" = 'es' AND ( IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY spree_taxonomies.position LIMIT 1
Spree::Taxonomy::Translation Load (0.8ms) SELECT "spree_taxonomy_translations".* FROM "spree_taxonomy_translations" WHERE "spree_taxonomy_translations"."spree_taxonomy_id" IN (2)
Spree::Taxon Load (0.6ms) SELECT "spree_taxons".* FROM "spree_taxons" WHERE "spree_taxons"."taxonomy_id" = $1 AND "spree_taxons"."parent_id" IS NULL ORDER BY "spree_taxons"."id" ASC LIMIT 1 [["taxonomy_id", 2]]
#<NoMethodError: undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass>
Cannot assign Taxon [''] to Product ['SST-01 - Stratocaster']
Product assigned to Taxons : []
I've tried with only "Rubros>Guitarras" hierarchy and same issue.
UPDATE: Now it's working ok, I had an issue with the database, the root taxon wasn't created.
From all the docs indicate it is just "categories>test"
My log
The Product, Variant and Properties are working, but I cannot get Taxons working.